Expectations for the season

What the likes of Wilder need to consider, is that by bringing substitutes into a game be it 3, be it 5 or be it 10, doesn’t bring any correlation that the teams performance will automatically improve…!
As Jurgen said - Players welfare is paramount in all this.
Hypothetically speaking here, but if a player should suffer a heart attack due to the extra stress, fatigue and workload, at whose door would that blame lay…?
We presume the obvious muscle and joint injuries will become order of the day in a hectic schedule, but God forbid, how far can these players keep being be pushed.
Even in horse racing they introduced a deterrent to excessive use of the whip. When do we reach that stage with pushing the players beyond their physical and mental levels of endurance.

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While the big six + two voting fights thing got characterised as a power grab, that article raises the reasoning behind it.

Of the 20 teams in the Premier League, somewhere around 12-14 are at risk, season to season, of relegation. Probably at least half those sides are going to go down in the next decade.

Because of this they are motivated primarily by the short term need to do everything possible to stay in the division. This means longer term issues or collective issues in favour of the league are often voted against when those teams perceive it’s in their self interest to do so.

Add into this that the Premier League riches those teams are so desperate to cling to are largely generated off the back of global interest in the bigger teams, you can see why it boils the piss of the big six.

To see this in action you only have to look at the five subs thing. A bunch of teams voted against this because without European commitments they think they can gain a competitive advantage by forcing the big six clubs towards greater injury lists and weaker teams in the premier league games. This is despite the fact that those weaker teams and greater injury lists will affect viewing figures which will harm income. They are that desperate to stay on the gravy train they are willing to damage the gravy train to do so.

This is why the one vote one club structure doesn’t work. The clubs are not equal and the ‘big six’ know it. The riches of a league are largely due to the participation of Liverpool and United, and Chelsea, Spurs, City and Arsenal to a lesser extent. They ultimately fund the Burnley’s, the Sheffield United and the West Ham’s. The model has survives for a long time, but it’s always going to come under stress when the other 14 nakedly fuck them over for their own self-interest.

I think there is a real possibility in the next decade of a few of the leading clubs rejoining the football league in order to push forward with their own broadcasting platforms and a European Super League. And it will be the Premier Leagues own fault.


Still a cunt Jose

Jose Mourinho on Jurgen Klopp’s complaints about the fixture list:

“Klopp arrived by 2015. I arrived in 2004 so what he knows from 2015, I know since 2004. And nothing changes. We have to adapt to it and that’s the way it is.”


Yes mate, that’s how I saw it too, the lesser clubs voting for anything that disadvantages the bigger clubs to maximise their time in the big league and increase their lolly.

I have no clue whats coming, but too much has been tabled about a Euro Super League and to me that looks where the money is. I do think this is much close than the next decade, Covid will see to that.



Yeah, let’s BT/Sky try broadcast a game between two of those minor teams during midday and see how much traction it gets.

The funny thing is, I don’t dislike him so much as he grows older. I even see that he has a sense of humour and I have seen him say some sensible things.

For me, it is not the “old” Mourinho anymore I like this one better. :sunglasses:


No mate, you are just getting mellow with age :stuck_out_tongue:

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Jose - Once a Cunt always a Cunt.! :shushing_face:


Can’t see it happen but IF Spurs stay in the title race for a longer time you will learn to hate him again.


United’s injury list actually makes them better.


No it doesn’t. Slabhead is still rolling :wink: .


I misread that as Slab’s head is rolling. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The only thing i get from this is Jose saying me me me me me and me.

He does that a lot.


Good regeneration time until Sunday evening Wolves game at Anfield.

And then Jürgen please send the kids to Denmark and show a huge middlefinger to everyone who would talk about disrespect the competition.


Top of the league, topped the CL group with a game to spare, a gazillion injuries. Dunno whether to laugh or cry, really.


All the moaning after Atalanta was for nothing then?

Don’t know how the rest of the season will play out but Klopp and co are doing the best they can in these circumstances.



Caoimhin to keep for us in at least 5 more games. Neco to keep his place and get a run going. Curtis to be first choice ahead of the Ox and Baby for the rest of eternity.


Deffo a second choice for me going forward, far better than Adrian for the style we play but also generally.


Oh yeah baby :heart_eyes:

Five days till we play Wolves another week till we play Fulham. Couple of players will return from injury as well.