Expectations for the season

I still see us finishing 2nd




I hope you’re right but it will happen one day, just like it did with Chelsea.


Massively disappointed with the Chelsea game, took us 80 mins to have a shot on target.

Staggering given the stakes, we could have reinserted ourselves into the Top 4 battle and we just didbt show up.

TBH i think there is a more serious issue behind the scenes now. We have completely lost the plot. I would understand if the injuries had just occurred but we have had more than enough time to adjust now.

I hope not, I hope its just tiredness and a culmination of all the injuries unsettling the flow of the squad but it feels like something else. At any other club the manager would be sacked by now. I sincerely hope that is not the route we go down but our fall from grace is bordering on spectacular now. 5 straight home losses is unprecedented in the clubs history.

The timing of all this couldnt possibly be worse with reduced revenues already missing the CL next season just puts us into a deeper hole.

Not over yet but we dont even look like turning things around at the moment.

Just deleted a very long message. It’s all been said on here somewhere already I’m sure. All about the CL for me now. I doubt Klopp will play weaker teams in the prem but I take if he did. Hard to see how a team in our form could stand any chance of winning the CL, but I’m just praying our affiliation for the competition shines through and the players find the few percent they’ve been missing. Roll on next week.

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I expect we will miss top 4 and then spectacularly gain entry to next seasons CL competition by winning the Champions League this season.


We can’t even win a 50/50 ball at the moment

The way things are going I bet we will win another game before the season ends.

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Are all our remaining games away from home? :thinking:


Stay in the division. :crazy_face:

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I don’t expect my tv to last the rest of the season,it’s starting to really piss me off.


If that’s what you see, then you really do need to go to Specsavers. :crazy_face:


I presume we will set an achievable target for next season’s squad to beat in the league and hope the same is not true in the Champions League.

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This year’s league is done, CL might be on but i doubt it honestly.
Main thing at this point is that everyone (that counts) holds their nerve and don’t crap the bed in the media shit storm, cause for me, keeping Klopp on board is the most important thing for next season. I think it should be ok, but you know how other clubs tend to shoot their bolt under the pressure of the mob.


I did post it a few days ago. 2nd is looking a little tricky atm.

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I would add - the club putting their foot down and block all players from international call-ups during the summer. Give the players a full break & preseason which is something players at top clubs never get.

Every summer they are called away to play international tournements or qualifiers. Lets see the club take player walfare into their own hands and call fifa/uefa bluff and ensuring all players actually get a proper break between this season and next season.

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We are in 8th place now. :hot_face:

That’s cheered me up actually. I thought I’d was a lot worse than that.

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Just some pride restored, and that’s a hope rather than expectation.

Won’t be long before Everton fans start accusing us of stealing their league position.