FA Cup 2021-22... Hope we are up for the cup this season...forlorn hope?

He’s been having niggly fouls all game…and sly taps …dickhead…

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Man City know their next round opponents.


Taxi for Brendan after this? They’ve been really poor all season on balance. I understand they’ve had bad injuries and Covid issues, but they’ve really just been poor.

Leicester fan attacks forest players celebrating 3rd goal

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We’ve had bad injuries and Covid…but this is just sheer crapiness…is that even a word???


What the fuck?!


Has all the hallmarks of the dud first half of the season he had for us before he was sacked

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If it ain’t it oughtta be.

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Embarrassing. Didn’t even realise it had happened

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Should be arrested for assault and a life ban from all football matches


Not shown on tv…

Reckon Brendan’s fired at the end of this season.

He’s had a good scouting unit giving him most of his targets and he still comes out with shit like this.

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Might be sooner rather than later…don’t we have a record of playing teams…and a few days later the opposing manager is no more.

we still need to get one over on Brendan’s team fluking a win against us in the league.


We owe them bastards a right smashing


We do owe them a hiding, and I’d like Brendan to still be manager when we do. The bill has come due, and all must pay in time. We’ll twat them 5-0 and he’ll get the sack. A fitting end.


Jimmy sommerville wants a good slap…anyone who fouls him…he tells em to f**k off…

Yeah , just had a glance at foxestalk , I created an account there after the horrific copter crash.

People are calling for his head. Reckon it’ll come quicker than the end of the season

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I think it was written on his face, after their last attempt.

WTF! That prick has got to be jailed for that. Absolutely disgusting.