FA Cup 2021-22... Hope we are up for the cup this season...forlorn hope?

I don’t remember it even being mentioned on TV.

Joking aside…I think he went for the wrong team…

I think it was edited out…

What in the fuck is wrong with people?!

I’ve decided that I hate this fucking team and their fans at this point. The disgusting shithouses were giving it the big 'un and singing all the classic “scousers are poor” song selections in the League Cup match, and now this shite today. AN absolute shithouse club.


Maddison type dickheads.


It’s shameful. Sometimes I hate this country and the morons that live amongst us.


Same. I have quite a lot of respect for Leicester the club and how they go about their football. But these fans , sheesh.

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Unfortunately, twats like them exist in every city throughout the country. And smaller towns also.


If they try that on Walton Breck Road on Thursday night, they might just be sorry.


Apparently football related disorder has gone through the roof recently. Concerning statistics on the Beeb somewhere. It’s quite disgusting to be frank.


Just when you think it was a thing of the past, here we are again. Some of these idiots are coked off their heads as well.


Jesus. Punched a player and tried smashing up a highstreet. They’ve been on one today. Bloody bellends.

Some people really are too emotionally unhealthy to cope with sports. They invest too heavily in it at the expense themselves and form an incredibly unhealthy relationship with the teams they follow. Sports are supposed to be a fun outlet and an escape - not a carte blanche for being a cunt. When you don’t get the result you want you have a little rant and move on in the knowledge that at some point you’ll get a win and savour it all the more. If you can’t cope with or process the fact that losses happen then you’ve got no business following any sport. This is the kinda shit a spoiled toddler does. Having the emotional range of a fucking three year old when you’re old enough to vote is pathetic and worrying.


And yet they are trying to push allowing fans to drink in the stands again.

With the way Everton fans behave and now this, I think it more likely they end up banning booze altoegther before allowing booze in the stands again


It will be a big mistake, allowing booze back into the stands.


Have a rant when the football of your team has been dire. Moan about it with friends over a beer and then go home and sleep.

People taking their sports to unhealthy obsession levels are idiots.


When will it be allowed again?

Almost certainly coked up and probably been drinking since they woke up. The shit people pull because of a “LADS!! LADS!! LADS!!!” mentality is ridiculous. Supposed to be fun day out watching your team not riot practice. Someone needs to properly explain to them that they aren’t “fun loving lads (re)living the carefree day of their youth” and they are actually selfish cunts attempting to damage someone’s livelihood because they haven’t got the common decency to think beyond themselves.


Spot on

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I don’t know, but I think it’s under consideration. Hopefully they come to the right decision.

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Tracy Crouch is one of the key people pushing the idea, but funnily enough the top police officer for football in theUK has repeatedly told her to scrap the idea but is constantly being ignored.

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