FA Cup 2021-22... Hope we are up for the cup this season...forlorn hope?

Bringing back booze into stands will only make it worse. People wont drink less before a match because it’ll still be cheaper to load up before; they’ll just drink more during a match when they’re too drunk to care about the price.


I generally would be all for people wanting to have a beer while watching the clubs. But considering the %age of stupid people around , I think the safest thing to do would be to not have booze in the stands. That or the alternate of making people pay more for the booze which makes them reduce the number of drinks that they can buy.

Either way, alcohol intake needs to be monitored. Check everyone entering the stadium with a breathalyzer and get prepared to send them back if the alcohol content is more than acceptable as well

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Just to bring back the footy chat a sec: Nat starts for Bournemouth against Boreham Wood


Just in case we meet Bournemouth in the future (after Norwich) , would Nat be cuptied ?

Sometimes I hate football…but only because of the thuggish fans it attracts. I have mates who regularly go to the rugby internationals and there is never any trouble despite fans sitting in mixed areas … always good natured banter. Put rival fans together at football stadiums and there would be carnage…I would much rather go out for a beer with rugby fans than be in the company of football fans…even ours.


Be up every five minutes as well for another beer. Having spent a good 5 hours on the train back with a load of welsh Man Utd fans when they drink doesn’t really stop them drinking in access.

That was utterly horrid and made me book airbnbs and hotels from then on.


Not cup tied as he wouldn’t be able to play today if he were.

Playing against us would depend on if we’ve put a clause in the loan to say he can/cannot. I’d be surprised if we said he can’t becuase he’s a league lower so wouldn’t expect to face them.

Perhaps there’s a parent club rule that would prevent him but I’m not sure abou that.

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Hopefully it’s all recorded and will be handed over to the police

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Isn’t the parent club rule only applicable to league games?

I might be wrong, but I thought Cup games were dependant on the loan agreement, but league games was automatically ineligible

There are 3-4 definitely caught on that video, then it will depend on the bar and their CCTV but also in the city centre I bet there will be a lot of cameras catching this sort of shit.

And knowing how thick and stupid people are - I bet a lot of them have filmed themselves and their mates doing it and sticking it on social media.

Is it wrong of me to hope that the explaining gets done with the assistance of a proper hiding
in front of a bystander with a camera phone conveniently handy enough to plaster it all over the internet?

No idea, to be honest with you mate :smiley:

Lively start from Boreham

Phillips needs to be better than this.

Another war wound for Nat.

Got his trademark bandage on now

Boreham up 1:0

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Winner plays against Everton.

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Imagine being Boreham. Beat Bournemouth. Reward: Fat Frank’s Bitter Blueshite.

Enough to bring a man to tears.


They might make it to the quarters yet…

Has Rodgers been sacked yet?