FA Cup 2021-22... Hope we are up for the cup this season...forlorn hope?

One could argue that all the extra games in the League Cup and FA Cup did cost us some points in the league or at least 5-10% energy for League and CL.

It was important to win the two trophies in the Klopp era but I’m not expecting him to ‘waste’ too much energy in them again.


I think next season requires concentration on the competitions though five subs will also benefit us.


I think it is more likely that we use the 5 subs well, and if we have the cards fall our way injuries-wise, we’ll have a deep run in the cups again.


I have a feeling we might have done better with 5 subs, especially in the stretch.

Maybe that second leg at Villarreal does the main damage. Anyhow we won this cup so wrong thread.

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All amateur footballers have done it :wink:

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That’s taking the piss, surely.

How can you send him off for that when Linikear shat on the pitch in Italia '90 and got nothing? :rofl:

Even professionals have done it.


No wonder the Irish players wouldn’t go anywhere near him, after that.

Should VAR have been used here for verification? :grin:

I think Steve Bruce peed on a corner flag…

He should have done it in his bottle and handed it over for the end of game drug test :0)