FIFA - All that’s wrong with football

Because modern football is fucked.



All change after the next World Cup, slightly better but not that much. At least you’ll probably have about 8 games.

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I’m not sure what effect this ruling will have, but picking a fight with the EU doesn’t usually end well.

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I wonder if this will be the end of transfer fees…

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I don’t know enough about the legal side of it to say, but it sounds like it relates to breach of contract rules. I’m wondering if it would mean that release clauses would have to be included in contracts by default. In terms of players refusing to play and/or train, then it would presumably have to have clauses as well.

This part might be interesting

The resolution of Fifa v the player “BZ” – AKA the former Chelsea, Arsenal and Portsmouth midfielder Lassana Diarra – will cause great uncertainty across the game. It contains two key judgments after the court found that rules relating to the authorisation of transfers for players restrict freedom of movement, a key tenet of EU law, and that current rules requiring buying clubs to cover the cost of compensation for a player who breaks a contract “without just cause” are anticompetitive.

So if I understand it, the 2 key points are:

1 - When a player moves into a different country, the transfer of elegibility between the 2 national FA’s is problematic.

2: - Where a player is required to pay the buy out fee and then get it repaid by the buying club (I think this is mainly against Spanish clubs) is against EU law.


Is this EU not ECHR?

I know the Conservative Party don’t know the difference mind.

It’s EU as it is about contract law. Of course, if the rules are changed only within the EU, it could put the Premier League at a great disadvantage as they are the largest league to lie outside the EU.

It could work both ways though likely like Bosman it would just get adopted across the game.

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FIFA Bullshit


I would have thought that it was quite self-evident that if you have to threaten competitive sportspeople into taking part in what is supposed to be a prestigious competition in their sport, then perhaps the problem is your competition.

But maybe I’m just an idiot.


I’m very happy we aren’t involved.

Sadly we end up sometime involved but I’ll take it for number 7 or 8.


Unbelievable, FIFA are milking it by blackmailing the club teams.:sob::joy:

Anyhow, i am glad we won it under Jürgen though. I am not too fussed if we don’t win it in the future


£445,000 fine? That’s absolute peanuts to the bigger clubs.


Exactly my thoughts. Just tell them the Fuck off.

It’s prestigious sure (is it fuck), but not for European clubs. The South American clubs take these things seriously, but their teams are no where near as strong as those in Europe anyway. Add to that, the Football Associations take care of their clubs - they will postpone local league games to allow their clubs to attend.

Not like England, where we played 2 games in 24 hrs a few years ago.


FIFA wanting to get their greedy claws in on the European money.

If only UEFA had the balls to tell them to fuck off


Corrupt shits.


The rubicon was crossed with Russia/Qatar. They knew there would be enormous blow back with lots of coverage of teams pulling out, and complaints from stakeholders about the impact to the game but ultimately the tournament went ahead as normal. And worse, it was a success. They have now been shown they can do whatever they want to the World Cup is too big for any such complaints to matter.

The Gulf now owns FIFA