FIFA World Cup: Qatar 2022

Belgium chocking is quiet clearly another Cheaty ploy and they paid Martinez to throw their games.

Pep clearly didn’t want the ginger cunt out there in the desert any longer than absolutely necessary for fear of him melting

The way they cut that it looked like the fans were booing Hazard :rofl:

Belgium…oh how the mighty have fallen


Has there actually been a standout consistent display from any of the teams so far?

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Favourites to top group instead on brink of elimination

Omg LukaPOO


misses ANOTHER sitter. fucking WOW.

Brazil and Spain. Maybe Portugal. Netherlands doing no more than they have to without ever being stretched

I think Argentina were actually better in the Saudi game than the result indicates and have been quite good since.

France should only be judged on their first two games, which were both very positive


Origi would have a hatrick now


Somewhere Mourinho is purring to himself, feeling vindicated in Rom’s shitness.

Ducking hell :rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::joy::joy:


Lukaku has had chances in the last 20 mins to put Belgium through.

Pay out baby, I accept Cheques Bacs Cash…no Amex.

The ref needs to blow the final whistle now to put poor Rom out of his misery because this is becoming uncomfortable to watch. It’s like an awful bout of bullying.

What an absolute donkey Lucacku is.

That last 1 was brilliant defending from Zorro tbf.

Sorry in the true spirit of the world cup, can only offer you a bribe


Goodbye Belgium