FIFA World Cup: Qatar 2022

By not excusing what Qatar have done and how they should never have the world cup.

The stench from the Qataris is unbearable and just won’t go away. Time to admit it @Maria and stop the whataboutism and excuses!

There’s a big difference between the Qatari people and their government. I think I know where @Maria is coming from on this one. I have visited Islamic countries before and found the people to be unremittingly welcoming and friendly. You can then discover that the ruling regime is far from desirable.

However, you can put this another way. I would be horrified if anyone thought that the shitshow of a government in Westminster was anything other than nominally representative of me.

Anyway, does anyone have any predictions for the quarters? I’d go for Brazil, Portugal, probably Argentina and too close to call between France and England but I’d regard France as favourites.


Brazil Portugal Holland France (even though my heart wants England I have to bow to reality).


Every game to go to ET and England to go out.

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In the clips I’ve seen of reporters/journalists trying to get a few words with him I’ve found him to be…a little socially awkward, I don’t know if it’s a shyness thing or if he just likes to keep himself to himself…not that either is a bad thing but generally one’s ability to mix in quickly with a group of people they’ve met before or not, will vary on that person’s characteristics.

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Fucking hell :see_no_evil:

I think England could really give France a difficult game. Southgate is no genius, but he has built a solid side. My guess is that Mbappe makes the difference, England frustrates France but just doesn’t have an answer for that one moment in that one open space.


I think it’s likely to be a frustrating game as neither is particularly adept at proactively controlling the game on the front foot. France are more comfortable in this role having played it for 10 years with Deschamps and won stuff doing it. Not to mention some experience of experimentation of being more proactive that has not worked as well. England on the other hand always have an inferiority complex about their style of football and often seem just as focused on proving people wrong as actually winning. With France giving them a fair amount of possession they may be inclined, driven by the focus of demonstrating their quality, to believe this was earned through their quality play rather than given to them. If they do that they are open to falling into a trap, over playing their hand just enough to France to then spring and then expose them. I think avoiding that trap is going to be as hard a task for them as actually beating France, but if they can avoid they have more than enough fire power to hurt France.

Shoulda stuck your foot a little higher, Luka.

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Brazil not liking the Croatia press at the moment

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That was very nice from Juranovic…less so from Perisic, not sure how he mishit that so badly ball didn’t exactly come flying at him.

Croatia is the better side so far


Brazil don’t exactly defend from the front do they :joy:

Neymar and Richarlison pretty much just standing there

Props to Tite if he thinks this Brazil side only need to defend with 9 players behind the ball, nothing wrong with that.

Yep that was very dangerous from Danilo.

Yeah nearly raked his face with his studs

I’ll never be able to reconcile Richarlison playing for Brazil in my head. I’ll just never be able to fully accept that it’s real.

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Brazil look like they playing with lead boots on, slowwwwwwwwwwwww