Former players and managers - general discussion

Not sure who this guy is except he sounds like a Celtic fan through and through. He is most definitely not complimentary when it comes to Bodgers retuning North… and if this is a taster that awaits our once great leader… Wow!

“…Rodgers is a spoofing buffoon, a charlatan and a playboy”

Dont know if it was the same guy but there was an article i linked to back in the TIA days when he left them for Leicester which was pretty scathing about his attitude while there. I can imagine if he does go back he will have little to no credit with them should things go wrong.

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Celtic supporters are probably good people, but I find they have a deluded perspective on what their club ought to be able to accomplish in Europe.


article written under a pseudonym of Kew Heavins,

not sure if its relevant but…

there is a reporter in the Daily Record (aka the Daily Ranger) called hugh Keevins
he is often accused of been anti-celtic.

strange behaviour…

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I realised that my spreadsheet was a little out of date so I’ve updated it. Anyone interested in checking in on Liverpool players since 2010 then the sheet is here…


Graeme Souness is doing his English Channel swim this weekend. Best of luck Graeme and I hope you raise a load of cash.


I know that Souness the manager and pundit have soured perceptions, but what a player he was.
Having been lucky enough to see him in his prime, I can testify that when he stepped on the pitch he owned the stadium. He had an awesome presence.


Brilliant interview with Shanks, above. Humble, hard working, talented, he just oozed wisdom. I loved the stuff he said about training, and knowing the art of that, and not over training. He talked about training Dennis Law, early on, and not letting him do as much as he was a young lad coming through. He operated in a less scientific time, with less data, but I half wonder if he could teach the modern game a thing or two, as we see so many players missing so much action these days.

Later in the interview he was asked about hooliganism, and his views were clearly from another time, but they also made sense. He distinguished between hooliganism and vandalism. Vandalism, destroying property, not on. It’s a crime.

Hooliganism was categorized in terms of a fair fight, between men - not stabbing each other in the back. They fell out because emotions ran high at the game and there was a winner and a loser, so they had a fight. Didn’t get much detail, but I saw an old fashioned fella, by todays standards, who was quite ok with that. At one point he said, “I like to see a good fight.” He stressed fair fight, and I got the impression that he came from a time where blows would be exchanged and then afterward you shook hands.

The interviewer did a great job too, keeping the whole thing moving along.


Former Liverpool Academy player Dal Varesanovic got his first call up to Bosnia & Herzegovina national team. On the bench against Portugal tonight.


Well everytime he stepped on the pitch for us he looked like he was drunk - now in retirement he isn’t doing much better. There have been worse signings due to the money involved, but I think Rickie Lambert may well be the least talented player ever to start for us - especially where he was in his career at the time. Absolutely terrible player.

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Jimmy McNulty has retired
Pajtim Kasami released by Olympiakos

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The Wire Nod GIF by HBO


Bunk’ll be heartbroken

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Well bloody done, Graeme. And at your age too!


Proud of you, Graeme!

Beast of a man. :muscle:t4:


These are the people…mester Grealish…should take note of…instead off peeing it up against a wall or barffing down a toilet…go n do something consructive…


Bloody brilliant.

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A couple in here that made me chuckle… :0)

They missed out my favourite one:

Apparently a few of the lads went out for a pizza one night and McAteer ordered a large whatever it was. The waitress asked if he’d like it cut into four slices or eight.

“Four, please. I don’t think I could finish eight.”