Former players and managers - general discussion

He should’ve stayed at a big club.

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Balotelli: If PSG call me? No chance. No way. I used to play for Marseille and Nice, so there’s no way. If they offered me a 10mil. salary? In that case, I’d accept. Of course.

Looks like its done

Always remember his banger against Villa, in a week we also beat Madrid.



I might be wrong, but wasn’t it the guy who stole the dog that was trying to claim the reward?

Well obviously…


The guy suing him won through a default. Sturridge has just completely ignored his law suit. I’m guessing he doesn’t have any intention of dealing with people who pretty obviously stole his dog and held it for ransom.


Sturridge is claiming he paid the ransom to the person who returned the dog and doesnt know who this other person is. He is also claiming all correspondence has been sent to the Air BnB they were at at the time of the incident and has no forwarding set up because he was never receiving post to there anyway.

Not a big fan of footballers’ books, especially when they’re still active or it’s still fresh, but this actually might be a good read for us Liverpool fans.

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The law is an ass. Why is the court even getting involved? I’d ignore it. Could live the rest of my life without the need to step foot in the USA. Some divvy making you pay for a lawyer? Ridiculous.


If I bother to read (footballers books tend to be absolutely dull on the whole), I’ll be getting it from the Library.

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When did he end up there?! Completely missed that!


Surprisingly good read!

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The second paragraph was hilarious :laughing:

He’s a very likeable bloke.
She sounds high maintenance.


If you haven’t already done so, watch That Peter Crouch Film on Amazon. Recommended.

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I’m not on Amazon because I don’t want to pay for space willies.

Will look for an alternative source.


She sounds like a mix of my exes :sweat_smile:
But neither of them look like her :heart_eyes: