Former players and managers - general discussion

Sounds like that episode of extras with Daniel Radcliffe :rofl:

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Funny, i remember Ian St John saying something similar about the Liverpool sides Owen was part of and his own

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Thatā€™s exactly what it was like. It was cringeworthy

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Yeah itā€™s probably ubiquitous. Thing is adding athleticism actually ends up raising the skill level as there is less space which ultimately necessitates better control. If you compare the first touch of an average PL player from 90s to today there is (on average) significant improvement.

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Whoā€™s the kid referred to from the 13 to 14 minute mark do we think?

Could it be Elliot or Jones?

Iā€™d say Jones.

Interesting comments re joining cheaty over the plastics because they hadnā€™t won anything and it would be amazing to be at the start of that. Then says (paraphrasing) something like: ā€˜same thing at liverpool, they had an amazing history but hadnā€™t won anything for agesā€™ā€¦ I understand what heā€™s getting at but donā€™t like the comparison! Weā€™d won the CL in 2005 for starters and every other competition that we could win (save the league) in the 21 century.

Yeah but realistically, we simply werenā€™t a winning club back then. Also down to some obvious reasons. On the pitch and at times not helped by off the pitch issues. All of Rafaā€™s trophies 6 years came within his first 2 years at the club. So we go from FA Cup '06 to zero trophies until barely beating Cardiff on penalties to win the League Cup in '12. Then, zero trophies until the final in Madrid. And as for picking City ahead of Chelsea, I do hear that ā€œwon nothing or didnā€™t have much history, wanted to be part of changing thatā€ a lot. I like to go back in the context of time and see who Chelsea signed in that transfer window in a similar position to Milnerā€™s. It was Ramires.

A good interview with ex-Red Dominic Matteo:



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Thatā€™s a tough one. Iā€™d like to see him do well but, at the same time, for Sandcastle to be knocked out.


Fuck him heā€™s taking their money. Hope they lose 10-0.


This partially Quansah story but putting it in here due to the focus on all the ex players

When Virgil scored his first goal for us it meant that the letter Q was the only letter that we did not have a goal scorer whose name began with that letter. Quansah completed the set last night. This is a list of the top scorers for every letter of the alphabet

Two things struck me

  • How many goals Ince scored in his short time here
  • How relatively few goals Keegan scored. David Johnson, a player lots of people barely remember is only 20 behind on over 100 fewer games. Toshak, typically considered the sidekick, with only a couple fewer on nearly 100 fewer games.

I think the Keegan figure may be wrong. His wiki entry says 68 goals from 230 appearancesā€¦ .scored 32 for Hamburg from 90 appearances.

I bet he has an impressive assist totalā€¦

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The figures were total goals. Wiki sometimes only puts league goals in the summary at the top of the page for some reason.

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Keegan: 100 goals and 72 assists in 323 games over 6 seasons.

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Andre Wisdom, is now playing for Warrington Town FC.


I hope he got his sat nav fixed!

(Wasnā€™t he the one who drove his car into a ditch it stream or something like that?)