Former players and managers - general discussion

Kuyt is a genuine legend…

3 yard hattrick against Man Utd


I more remember him for 97th minute penalty at Arsenal what made it 1 all when camera cuts to Kenny telling Wenger to fuck off.


I was sadly on a train at that time.


I saw that in Caleta de Fuste. :+1::nerd_face:


Name this talented player…


Needs to get shin pads on.

He’s from Knotty Ash…and the jam butty mines…

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Looks like someone gave him a wedgie with his shorts, just before he ran onto the pitch - now it definitely looks like he dressed to the right :0)

Peaches with hair.

Although I would differ on the talented bit.

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This man was one of the true greats of his generation.

And a tax dodger.

His stage shows were supposed to last 3 hours…but it was more like 5 or 6.


One of my early childhood memories was taking the train over from the Wirral with my dad and brother to see Ken Dodd and the Diddymen.

The thing that most sticks in the mind was coming back home and two fellas on the train were having a fight, and my dad shielded us from it and tried to calm them down.


I can remember Ken Dodd and the Diddymen in panto in Leeds…it was the annual Fire Service Social Club outing…(dad was a fireman/Station Officer for 25 yrs)…anyway…Ken Dodd asked if there were any scousers in the theatre…Dad was the only one to shout out ‘Here’…he was so proud to be a scouser…


I remember Ken Dodd pulled up alongside me at the traffic lights one night in a little white VW Polo… As you do, when I looked alongside, I got a thumbs up from him… not sure why, but anyway… he was wearing the biggest, bulkiest red feather/fur coat ever, and his tall hat and feather tickling sticks were all on the passenger seat…
I can only guess he was dashing between shows, or maybe, he always dressed like that :0)


…On a more serious note… a guy was telling me his son was staggering home one night, it was after midnight anyway… after another heavy bout of drinks and drugs… Coming towards him was a guy walking with a little skinny dog, on what looked like a piece of string… The guy with dog stopped this kid and asked was he okay… did he have far to go… where did he live and this that and the other… As it turned out, it was actually Ken Dodd who was walking his dog… and he ended up talking to this kid for about an hour, not only that, he insisted on helping the kid get home, which was about a mile away… early hours in the morning remember…
Next day, KD turned up at the kids house to see if he was feeling a bit better, and more to the point, to meet his mum and dad… KD told them he had a real good conversation with their boy… and that he had got the lad to promise, to go to church that weekend, he even said he would collect him and take him to make sure he went… and to try and let that be the beginning, of making a humongous effort in getting his life together…
The lads Dad said… KD kept in touch with them for for years…!
I guess some good deeds just never get into the news eh.


I think they should stay that way. It’s nice to have such things be genuine like that.


I know that…. I went to a few of them. :joy::nerd_face:

Really nice interview with Miggy

“What’s the difference between you and Ali?”
“He’s Brazilian. He doesnt give a fuck”



If you’re in the area…