Forum team/mods/admins

I’m with the German on this, although they’re not normally revered for their organisational skills.

So our new signings should not have threads :rofl::rofl:

We’ve heard directly from FSG, there’s no need

Is it no longer possible to remove accidental likes/reactions?

Not after a certain amount of time apparently.


You can but within a time limit

I’m now chuckling to myself at the image of @El-Cuchillero waking up in the middle of night and thinking “you know, that wasnt really that good a point. Im going to go and take back that :joy: I gave him.”

We should have a thumbs down to even things out


Unfortunately, I can’t thumb down this post.


Bit more emotes in the likes field ?

Maybe a disagree (thumbs down) instead of the see no evil one ?

Already too much negativity in this place. No need for thumbs down.


What about a face palm emoji. :joy:

It’s protonist comments like this that cause arguments.

It’s means you’re prejudiced against a certain type of subatomic particle.


You love me really :slight_smile:

1 Like

What about a :ghost: ghost emoji…?
Then we can issue it every time someone is doing nothing but moaning…! :0)

You’d want a ghost emoji for that?

What about this emoji :fu: or this emoji :bell: :end:

& yes I’m well aware this would mostly be directed at me.

…and that there in a nutshell is the type of aggressive response that has people at each others throats as quick as a flick of a switch…
What’s wrong with a gentle, inoffensive nudge along to get a message across instead…
I for one would never use either of those emoji’s you suggest… too raw, too in your face… there is enough anger in the world, why add to it unnecessarily


It wouldn’t need to be used at someone else so to speak, it could for example be in response to one of many James Pearce’s awful click baiting tweets someone’s decided to grace us with or some other headline tweet/article posted which would naturally cause uproar…I’m sure it’d be seen often enough in one of the Manc threads or the VAR/Referee threads.

I’m not against other emojis such as :man_facepalming: or :roll_eyes: or :rage: , these to me are the most common between users.


I hear a few violins playing