General world politics chat

Only in France would this constitute a voting bloc

Have you seen Jordan Peterson fans?


I really don’t get the fascination of such types but there’s more and more the world over who are given a platform and spout nonsense whilst, trying at least, to sound intelligent.
There’s also those ‘analytical’ policy groups all over internet, same kind of thing. Popping up like mushrooms and supporting right wing ‘ideals’ that should have been left in the past.

Is this true though, they still act as a major ‘stabilising’ factor. With their Fracophone stuff they keep a lot of influence. Then of course they haven’t any control or influence over their only real colony in Africa which was Algeria (this is even more blatant as France supports their ancient protectorate creating enormous animosity with Algeria and a great pretext for Algeria to be of greater nuisance to France.

You would be correct that the other ‘powers’ leave France to ‘deal’ with central et west Africa mainly at France’s request.

“If France loses Africa, France is nothing”, Yamb counters. “Macron is trying to impose on Africa a relationship that Africans no longer want,” she maintains. As an example, she points out the recent agreement between France and eight members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on [replacing the CFA franc] with a new West African single currency called Eco.

“The Eco is a very old Ecowas project, which France has decided to hijack. They say they’re changing the system, but they’re only changing the name,” Yamb said. “It must be an initiative of an African government. It can’t be announced, designed or planned by France.”

And this is not including the favourable biz deals that french companies get in Africa often to the detriment of the people in those african countries.

In short, France is enjoying the benefits of colonization while leaving the dirty work of running the govt etc to the African Countries.

yep , new leader… same old shit

Why doesn’t Pak fix their economy and take care of their people first ?

this is getting tiresome by Im.

Missed it at the time, but Jen Psaki was asked if Biden would be calling Sharif. Her non-response made it pretty clear that is not seen as a priority in the Biden White House.

I saw at least 2 instances of Canadians in court touting their “first amendment rights” as a theorized protection over their actions. Puts into perspective how well thought out these objections were.

Posting this feels like opening a can of worms (which means it probably is) but it is interesting to me that Truss and now Johnson and Lavrov in between have all gone to India in short succession. Superficially (and most likely in all reality - as I’m a cynic) it is all about the $/£/ Rubble/Rupee and weapons and maybe a pinch of trade but is there a chance that something more is taking place?

Probably not.

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I think there will be some attempt made to convince (force) India to be more against Russia by trade deals etc.

That is happening right now

What is?

Johnson grovelling to Modi

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It’s just reality talking. Indian (Indian Companies mainly) investment in UK is pretty high. Read somewhere last year that India was the 2nd biggest FDI in UK after US.

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Just to add to this many of the large engineering consultancies in the UK have offices in India. They will regularly push work from the UK to India thanks to lower labour rates while charging UK rates to Clients.

At one of my former employers we had targets with regard to the volume of work we were required to push to India.

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That’s about all the UK can do now. Indian have their own agenda, now!