General world politics chat

He knows if he doesn’t get gas prices down then he could very likely be another one term President.

Remember folks…

Erdogan Empire by any chance?


No issue with that

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I think at this specific time it goes beyond that sort of normal electoral politics. This is not a bog standard story of going to OPEC and trying to get them to do what is our economic interest in time for an election. It is intervening with a state actor with a clear preference for the result of our elections and willing to act and willing to act to facilitate that outcome.

Changing our relationship in any meaningful way with the Saudis cannot be achieved by one administration, and picking fights with them for a couple of years only to then have Trump reinstalled does absolutely nothing.

Would you call Germany Deutschland?

Loop Thanksgiving GIF by James Curran

Telling that there has been more social media interest over Depp-Heard than of this in recent times.


To be fair, in the early days of the war there was simply more news.

  • Russia denying they will invade
  • Putins Crazy speechs
  • Sanctions
  • Oil price spiking
  • Goverments giving aid
  • Millions of refugees
  • Fantastic examples of bravery (Go Fuck your self Russian War ship)
  • Mass graves

We have gone from a war people expected to be other in a week, to a war of attrition. Having said that, there are only three threads on TAN that have reached 10,000 posts ( The Unreliable rumours thread, and the PL thread being the other two)

The Russia thread was the fastest, Even in the last 4 weeks (where new thread opened we have had 1300 posts) That a high level of activity.

The interest is there, and pretty sustainated. But I dont think any topic front and foremost continually.


I dn’t mean TAN. But it speaks volumes of ppl in Social Media as such when Depp-Heard is having more of a footprint than this one.

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I agree, but I think what you would find if you drew a venn diagrham is that they are different populaitons.

I think probably the people tweeting about Depp were probably tweeting about X-factor, the latest tik tok craze or Rooney/Vardy the week or two prior (I am so out of touch those are the best I could come up with !) . Sure some will be interest in geopolitics and war but those passionate about celebrity gosisip tend to have other interests.

I think thats OK.

I dont think its at risk of being yesterdays news for a few reasons. Its the main driver of world wide inflation, grain shortages likely to lead to famine in Africa, the impact of refugees and energy on europeans , the potential fall of Russia/regime change is distinct posibility.

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SM trends are just that, trends. Fleeting moments of interest. It’s not a meaningful gauge of what the public’s fundamental priorities are.

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Not so sure. There was an actor in India who committed suicide a while back(during delta variant of covid i think) and there were more tweets about that for a huge time than there were about the covid19 pandemic. And i am talking for atleast some months if not more.

So characterizing that as a fleeting trend might not necessarily be true.

And i think most of us here if not all are above 35 whereas cesspits like twitter etc are more driven by guys under 35 who probably dont care so much about politics just yet.

They care about politics, they just don’t understand. That’s why they’re all socialists.

Lol , i would probably be termed as a socialist by most people in India.

Well, I actually watched some of the Heard/Depp stuff and thought it was interesting and somewhat relevant. Not for the celebrity factor, couldn’t care less about Depp and had never heard of Heard before.
And apparently I’m an radicalised, extreme right-winger now, because I agree with the jury.

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I dont agree with the generalization that the “wokes” keep.

I don’t doubt for a second that parts of the political right jumped on the opportunity and are trying to exploit this. Doesn’t change my personal opinion on the actual issue though.


Well, if what you watched was what was floating around online as opposed to following the whole sum of the evidence, then the conclusion may not be too far off, considering a lot of what’s spread online is done by people pushing the Depp side of things.

My information on that however is based on what I read about the case, not by personal investigation.