General world politics chat

I watched parts of the actual trial and formed an opinion based on that. Simple as that.

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People love soap operas and in hard times they love them even more.

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And this in essence is the quintessential soap opera

Whatever, I knew I’d be ridiculed, don’t care. To me this was actually interesting for the legal process, the different experts from various fields and how they were cross-examined - and it touched on a lot of, imo, relevant societal and medical/psychological issues. But yeah sure, soap opera.


I didnt mean to ridicule you. I actually agree with what you say. Just saying that the whole defense by amber heard team was trying to turn it into the quintessential soap opera.

And this was what my wife said…she followed the trial

And i paraphrase her words.

Amber heard only really heard herself.

Wifey was of the opinion that amber started believing the lies that she invented. End of the day , my main grevience in that matter is the harm she has done to genuine victims.

Not that i believe depp is an innocent soul or whatever…

twitter is actually quite good for communities of interest - especially academic communities that straddle issues of public interest.

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I stumbled across Amber Heard lawyer videos on youtube and after being momentarily engrossed haven’t paid much attention but I did think the ‘Amber has the answer’ jingle from an old Aussie ad would make for a good tiktok style video montage. Aussies on here may remember this:

Except that the priority is fleeting moments of interest. the attention span of the average twitterist is what? 2 seconds?
… and it’s all the fault of immigration!

And while scouting around redcafe for gems. I saw this thead which has 4k replies

I think it’s fair to say that we guys are in the minority here. Considering that we barely got 30-40 posts on this topic.

We’re boring old farts who don’t understand the world! :wink: :crazy_face: :rofl:

I much enjoy the fact that the Russian War Crimes threads far outweigh talk about this shit.

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But I thought you weren’t interested? :thinking:

I’ve watched the testimonies of Heard, Heard’s sister, Depp, Moss, the experts for both sides, and some excellent expert analysis and I believe Heard lied about everything and is a bit of a scary lunatic.

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I’m not interested in the case, I’m interested at most in the media coverage about it, hence the articles I read pertaining to that particularly. I couldn’t tell you who was involved in what otherwise.

Hence that last line, no?

Fair enough?

It’s obviously nonsense to conflate that trial with something like the war in Ukraine. Obviously not even remotely as important. But so are other things people like to talk about endlessly. Definitely the wrong thread though.

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I saw someofit from the social media side. It might as well have been written in Hollywood. Heard was doomed from Day 1 and her more senior looking, rather bland legal team landed nothing. Heard’s testimonies were considered awful, deceitful and got torn to pieces. Meanwhile Depp was funny, charming and has a fresh and beautiful lawyer who is now celebrity.

Stacked deck and really difficult not to pre judge based on this coverage.

Actually, Ben Rottenborn, one of Heard’s attorneys, did a superb closing argument. It obviously wasn’t enough though to undo the damage done by all the evidence the Jury were provided with.

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Speak for yourself!

I’ve been called a lot of things in my life, but no bastard has ever called me old :wink: :rofl:

I disagree with Rottenborn’s premise @Kopstar btw , Doesn’t mean it isn’t legally sound but Did take a look at his closing argument and the one where

“Amber wins, even if she’s been abused once, that means she wins” doesn’t set right by me. That in nature assumes that a woman can abuse her partner and get away with it. And if anything harms the case of Amber more than helps it.

Nope. She only needed to persuade the jury she was a victim of domestic violence once for her op-ed not to be defamatory. It’s irrelevant if she was or wasn’t also a perpetrator.