General world politics chat

Yes if NUPES had won enough seats Melenchon would have become PM!

Try French!

Non, je ne parle pas assez franƧais pour lire les nouvelles en franƧaisā€¦

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Itā€™s interesting though how the media reflects countries perceptions of world order. France has west Africa, UK commonwealth USA Far East, Middle East and of course can no longer trust Europe (not that they ever could but they seem to learnt their lesson at least Biden has) with anything (particularly after the Ex Yugoslave mess) just going to show how dangerous a loon like Trump could be and was. Russia anywhere thereā€™s oil and Gaz ā€¦
Itā€™s very much still the old order, colonalist claptrap with the addition of USA as major power who eventually steps into everything. Not to mention so called neutral states who just sit there passing gaz into the air.
This Russian invasion of Ukraine has made it all stick out like a sore thump and I feel we are lucky Biden is president of the USA otherwise big questions could well of been asked over what might have happened. Europe quibbles, China growls, Africa dissapears, middle east dance in glee (all that oil money), Russia takes one country at a time until they reach France and the 2 big ex colonial powers decide to mobilise a little.

Rather be affiliates with the commonwealth as opposed to still maintain ties with France I suppose.

Brit Colonialism , with all its evils , was still miles better than whatever France or Belgium did to their African colonies.

Fucked especially when the govt doesnā€™t arrest itā€™s spokesperson who created the mess in the first place.

Atleast thereā€™s one supreme court judge there who doesnā€™t bow down to the will of supreme leader modi.

Totally avoidable this entire messā€¦

And I will have to say that people have to stop getting offended when their religion is being criticized. But thatā€™s religion anyway.

And also the ruling BJP govt and their shit idiotic propaganda led to this mess. If thereā€™s a finger to be pointed , firstly needs to be pointed at them.

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well, atleast the fraud perpetuated was for the right cause :zipper_mouth_face:

@magnus will be happy to see this. He wasnā€™t a fan and called that out over a month ago.


You obviously havenā€™t a clue what your talking about!
Where do you sit on German colonialism? The same as French?
Try the history of Rwanda just as starters. Tell me who stood up for democracy?

Shinzo Abe former Japanese Prime Minister has been shot, likely to be declared dead soon.


Heā€™s now died.

I thought he retired from politics. Anyway, I guess the Japanese are shocked.

Something of an understatement. It is a country where getting a gun is extremely difficult, shootings are virtually unknown, and political assasination is unthinkable. They will be shocked indeed.