General world politics chat

Election in India is underway - pretty safe to say Modi sails into a third term. Heā€™ll be there in 20 years watch. Prick.

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More concerned at this point with who follows after Modi. Think modi is bad , wait till we get Yogi or Shah.

I wonā€™t be able to bear seeing him win.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen; Iā€™ll be here all week.

ā€œAnd there was no government involvement, honest!ā€ - N. Modi.

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Difficult to get the Indian govt to admit.

Even if the three admit recieving orders.

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I have noticed that in the limited places where this India story is being covered the typical pronunciation of Sikh is more like sick than than the seek that is more familiar. I wondered if this was a recent adoption of a more authentically Indian pronunciation, but then I realized that I dont think Iā€™ve ever heard the word said in the US before these recent stories so it could just be American way of saying it (like eye ran for Iran)

Every time I hear an American say ā€œIranā€, it makes me think of this:

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You poor sod!

Not sure if someone isnā€™t taking the piss

ā€˜Existing departure taxā€™ā€¦rightā€¦

that cunt Trudeau can go fuck himself. my neighbor (originally from S.Africa, been here 20 years) had enough of being taxed to death and just moved to Jaco. Heā€™s already found me a school in a town called Playa Carillo where thereā€™s an 8-room hotel for sale for 750K, which my home equiity would more than cover. would be mortgage free living 300M from the ocean with an reputable, established business that has a steady income stream.

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Iā€™d love to see you running an 8 room hotel! :rofl:

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What are you waiting for ?

You should go over to help him out.


I would love to, small hotels are a real challenge, with just 8 rooms it really is a job for a couple, max a small familly with kids old enough to work. However I wouldnā€™t mind stepping on their toes. :wink: :grin:

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Costa Rica is possibly the only place on the planet Iā€™d consider leaving France for to go and live.

Come on Semmy , make me (us , if Flobs is really game ) an offer I (we) canā€™t refuse. :slightly_smiling_face:


Why would you go buy a hotel in Costa Rica when you can use that money to maintain TAN forum for life?

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Itā€™s always dicey when politicians go desperate in an attempt to retain power.