General world politics chat

“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” - B. Netanyahu.

my 9yo to get a bit older.

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Younger they are , the easier they find it to adapt.

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Obviously bullshit, no?
Social media is total crap, especially ‘X’

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Yeah. Some people need to sort their priorities out :rofl:

That’s what my gut reaction was. But knowing Trudeau , who knows ?

Semmy and Arminius can confirm.

I guess the larger point is why post something from a completely random dude on X, with dubious claims of ‘inside information’ and a screenshot with no source.


There is no exit or departure tax. For that matter, there is no emigration crisis, quite the opposite - we have probably allowed too high a level of immigration in the past decade. That has made the fundamental flaw in the design of Canadian federalism, namely that the Federal government has most of the tax points while the Provinces deliver most of the services, a real problem. The Feds are much slower to see the consequences of the overload.

The tiny kernel of truth in there is that you owe taxes on capital gains greater than $25,000 at the point where you become a non-resident, i.e. leave the Canadian tax system. There is a deemed sale at that point, with the tax being identical to the capital gains tax you would have paid as a resident simply selling the asset for a capital gain. If there was no such rule, any time some entrepreneur struck it rich with an IPO or the like, they would immediately declare themselves non-resident, move to a tax haven, and then realize the value.

Almost every country in the developed world has a similar rule.



Truth. The scary thing is that many in the west think they have superior ideology. Until today I still meet westerners all over Asia who actually think we are still lower beings to them. Luckily, it is alot less common nowadays. For that matter, I don’t subscribe there is a superior ideology whether it’s supposedly west or east, but there are different ideologies.

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Is this really something only applicable to Western cultures or indeed only to humans?

I think this is a truth that is as old as time (or at least as long as there has been life). The way ants, wolves, dolphins and lions (there are endless examples) hunt is similar - organised violence/application of labour is just more efficient.

Back to humans, the Chinese, Indians, Mayans and Maoris all practised this - it is a trait of societies, whether for warfare or for farming, It is not something the West has magically invented.

For me the West sits (ditheringly) at the head of the table only because of the trillions and trillions of dollars that flowed from the “new worlds” into Europe for a couple of centuries - the US feels like the evolutionary end of that arc.

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Of course, had the rest of the world had superior firepower and organisation, they would now be calling the shots. The point is, that people in the West think that they have gained ascendency through their innate superiority or the greater value of their philosophies and science.
The reason that the Europeans were able to steal from Asia, Africa and the Americas was because they were more efficient murderers.

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There is actually a danger in Huntington’s ideas. In a Darwinian sense, a society that is able to use violence more effectively is superior, because it will displace all others. Huntington’s ideas about the superior capacity for violence (which I think is broadly true) sort of underpin Victor Davis Hanson’s thinking in ‘The Western Way of War’, which is very hard to separate from the tradition of noble Greeks with their love of democracy standing against tyrannical Easterners incapable of real freedom (with the melanin distribution being about what you would expect).

This is where you and I must disagree.

I am far superior to you in every way…except for painting birds :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Darwinism is ultimately pinned against the backdrop of geography and as such a society that lives primarily by the use of violence cannot exist in Darwinian time. There is an inherent capacity but I’m not sure there has been an increase (via selection) in it.

So there is really such a thing called Australian Delusion :scream:


The issue is the west has enriched itself from the spoils of colonialism. And as far as human beings are concerned, colonialism is a recent phenomena.

It’s like pollution norms being enforced now and the third world countries facing the brunt of it when those countries weren’t the ones responsible for the pollution in the first place.

Asking countries like China to monitor environmental norms smacks of hypocrisy when the west has allowed their industries to shift to China’s manufacturing units. Pollution doesn’t decrease all of a sudden , the source changes and the west is happy that they are doing their bit to decrease pollution knowing fully well that they can afford to import items from other countries.

How to do a Everton in Politics.

BJP was slightly under pressure. These comments by a Congress leader would only hand the initiative back.

that’s not even a question. it’s insane how many people are being allowed to move here. 450,000 estimated this year, and only 1/4 of that number in available housing starts. sheer fucking madness

I saw a 1bd basement suite for rent for $1850 that’s fucking insane.

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I think the only real question is when exactly the flow crossed over into too much. Certainly the levels today are not sustainable. Of course, in the Lower Mainland you are seeing the pointy end of it, real estate/rental has been insane there for years.