General world politics chat

It offers them an easy scapegoat and people are suckers for witch-hunts.

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Yup , whether it’s France , the UK or the US , it seems that low information voters are easily seduced by these populists. It’s the percentage that are actually fascists themselves is what I find more worrying.

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I would argue rather it is those looking for answers that are easily led - whether low or high information consumers. There has been a stretching of society, to drive efficiency, that has ultimately fragmented it in to individually unrecognisable pieces. There is no “simple” solution beyond the rich taking pay cuts to top up those that earn less - good luck trying to sell that!.

The less advantaged, the poor in other words, want more. The middleclass/rich do not want to share, especially those that are getting on in years… Any solution will do, even if it is not in fact a solution.

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It’s nice to see that India isn’t the only place infested with populism. Whether it be left wing or right wing.

Sarkozy, Hollande and Macron offered them nothing, perhaps that little is what they are clinging to?
I’d say this isn’t the group which is the driving force though. It’s the group who’s famillys were ‘middle class’ could afford holidays were reasonably confortable. Their children are asking where their comfort is, well it’s evaporated. The gilets jaune were a reaction to this and by prioritiseing famillys with kids Macron left too many still wanting.
Of course it started before Macron, Sakozy was horrendous for pushing people into obsurity, Hollande just watched his navel and Macron was vicious to this group (a group which is large incoherent yet all are disillusioned).
What Le Pen does is deflect, whilst Macron, for example, blames the people themselves (get on your bike attitude) Le Pen tells them it’s this that and the other, all exterieur, and we can do something about it. Of course what she says is bollocks the real reasons are the rich are taking more and more and the middle class has dissapeared because there’s no job security, employers are rotten and the minimum wage is a joke.
There’s the racist/blame others factor as well, talk to gitanes and their problems are due other groups, it’s quite baffling!
Anyway my time in France has been amongst these groups (over 1/2 my life) and when I arrived you hardly met any that weren’t sympathetic towards socialist/republican values these same people today are making up reasons to vote RN. At least in my corner of the world.


No it’s not nice that anywhere is infested by populism.

It is not the answer.


UK General Election: July 4
Iran President Election: July 5
France General Election: July 7

End of the world: July 8



Too hasty, it would seem…

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We live to fight another day :uk: :iran: :fr: :clap: :heart_eyes:



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another year , another bailout.

Probably structure the other bailouts to the surrender of nukes.

Yeah, right :laughing:

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A fascinating read. I have just ordered the book.

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That’s the UAE for you. Damn slaveholders.


‘foreigners make up almost 90% of the population’ :astonished:

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