General world politics chat

Ok, geopolitics nerds…

I am increasingly seeing “Czechia” used for the English language word for what we’ve otherwise called the Czech Republic. Was there an edict I missed for this change?


Seemed to have missed that one too.

The rationale is that this is easier to pronounce for English speakers.

I’m waiting for Reform to win the general election, so that they can rename England “Fuck off, darkies”.

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On that basis I’d like to put forward the current form for the country in which I live:

It’s spelt as it’s said: Straya. Easy as, mate.
And the cities are: Sid nay; Mel bun; and of course Ad el hay d

No excuses now boys.



Won’t 90% of the population have to fuck off as they can not speak English.
Then 1/2 of Northern Europe could move in if they wanted to.

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Not as bad as the USA where there’s a place called ‘Bolmore’ or something similar.

OMG, Left Front has been obliterated even in Kerala :laughing:

Probably because that way it’s closer to its original pronunciation - Češka (chesh-kah). :slight_smile:


A coalition of ANC, DA, and IFP is a bold move by ANC.

Hopefully a path to further integration :crossed_fingers:.

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Yeah, I’m surprised (and happy) that ANC didn’t gang-up with MK and/or EFF. Although, IFP, and PA are shady characters themselves.

This is about getting and keeping power at any cost.

Ultimately, maybe ironically, this is what was needed. Granted this is potentially a “what could possibly go wrong” type of situation but really this could actually be better for moving on from the status quo of the last 20 or so years.


This will be Conservative policy soon.


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I moved to France in 2012 , just in time to be able to help vote in the socialist government of François Hollande. In twelve short years the needle has swung incrementally rightwards to a point where it now is firmly hovering above its extremity.

An editorial from Le Monde outlines just what’s at stake today for the Fifth Republic ;


The town I live in is 43+% RN.
Hard to see anything other here Macron’s lot have 30% so second tour a 2 horse race unfortunately there’s a lot who just can not vote for the Macronists.
Dignity, standard of living, … has just plummetted too much in a region where prospects are poor. All I hear is, “something has to change!”


I’m in Bayrou’s hometown , so thankfully (hopefully !) they won’t prevail here.

What I’m really struggling to understand is how disadvantaged people are flocking to a party that offers them very little. The obvious conclusion is too terrifying to contemplate. :grimacing:

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