Gini Wijnaldum (CM) - PSG

He’s had his wages cut already? Just a few posts further up @redfanman posted another tweet that said Gini was earning £250K a week at PSG. Poor bastard. Can’t catch a break.


so so happy for Gini and his family… well deserved. Wish him and his family well going forward…


i really really do not understand why people would be angry at Gini. he didnt disrespect the club by joining one of our PL rivals. he has gone abroad. This is a BUSINESS people. We are happy paying Milly more than Gini right, so he is entitled to look else where. The man has represented the club above and beyond what was asked of him… VERY HAPPY FOR HIM!!


Gini Wijnaldum on leaving Liverpool:

"I’ll explain that after the tournament.”


Jesus really can’t just move on and focus on the future at the minute. You wanted a longer deal and more money, the club didn’t think you were good enough for more and you were too old for a new deal. End of. Don’t see the drama


In the words of my uncle Tom,

Why Why Why Whynaldum.


Exactly. No problem with him going, he was good for us and wish him well but he’s getting on my tits with all these random utterances.


c’mon Gini, your better than this,

just tell us we gave you great memories,
and we will always be in your heart

and walk away with you head held high,
and loved by the fans,

instead off walking away on a sour note


That’s probably because he keeps getting asked the same question.

Yeah like looks like an obsessive ex at the minute. Both sides couldn’t find a deal. Stop trying to win sympathy from the fans, we like you and always will. Don’t ruin what you have by trying to drag the club through the dirt. You play for a good side now and are on fantastic money, move on Gini.

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Same as Torres when he said he would say a few things when he stops playing…

I’m not expecting anything shocking. No need for drama, thanks for the effort and good luck.


I’m not sure why players think it matters so much to fans. I mean, I loved Torres as much as I loved Stevie but I love the club more than all of them combined. Nothing they say will make me care for them as much as I care for the club. He leaves, he moves on, club moves on, fans move on.

And it’s not the same when a player like Stevie or Totti (or even Lucas) leaves as opposed to one like Wijnaldum. I’d always go out of my way to ask for a picture or autograph from Stevie or Lucas whereas I don’t care so much for majority of players who leave for another club just like that. Sorry, that’s just the way I feel, I hold no grudges for Wijnaldum, Heaven forbid, but it’s not like he spent ten years here, behaved as though this club was everything to him and that it was club that forced him out.

Best of luck him, both as a person and as a player - unless he’s playing against Liverpool!


Ultimately it’s all about money.

That’s what somewhat disappoints fans. If Milner left for Leeds he would get full respect from everyone. No one begrudged Ings wanting to leave for greater match time. We might not be happy but could understand a scenario of Firmino joining one of the big Spanish teams.

There are footballing reasons people can connect to. It speaks to the values and background to the individual. I bet if you made a poll and asked forum members who they would like to play for (if it was not Liverpool). Dortmund, would probably be top of list. Likes of PSG or Man City near bottom.

Playing for them is somewhat hollow. Which is why they have got to pay such over inflated wages to compensate.

If I was in his shoes I could not imagine not extending my contract here. The manager, fans and chance of success would make it difficult to leave. All things considered playing for Barca would not be a bad second. Given friendship with manager, stadium and prestige and chance of trophies.

To turn both clubs down for PSG ? Given lack of quality in French league, manager who might leave to go to Spurs, and the backing of petro dollar’s. It’s a poor choice it’s a mercenaries choice.

I don’t begrudge him a big pay day at the end of his career. But a multimillionaire prioritising extra couple of million over footballing reasons is not what I would expect from Gini.


Maybe football and winning things is not the ultimate priority in Gini’s life anymore. He has won just about everything a top footballer could dream of. Maybe he wants a good life for his family. Tough call between living in Paris or Barcelona - both beautiful cities. Possibly Paris is closer to their home in the Netherlands - may have been a factor, oh and the extra money of course.


Must have been tough struggling away on ninety grand per week the last few years. His must have been one of the BMWs EpsomRed used to see at the food banks.


That was ptt who made that silly statement!


I would have liked him to stay but he fulfilled his contract and that’s fine by me. He doesn’t need to explain why he didn’t sign a new contract and I think that’s why some fans are annoyed by this as it will probably paint the club in a bad light. The constant teasing of the reason he left is also irritating.

Just let it go Gini.

It’s over. He’s there. For all the talk he’s gone for the biggest payday. No surprise to most but some had unrealistic expectations about him and his choices. He did what was best for him in the end like he was probably always planning on doing despite all the talk.

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the difference of playing in a slower-paced league, having older legs which will extend his career a few years at the top flight before he ends up going to Holland to finish out his career. a big payday to secure that he’ll never have to “work” again should he choose to invest his earnings wisely.

I don’t begrudge him one bit. That’s what I would do, he’s got to live his life for himself first. DGAF what anyone else thinks. It’s not mercenary, he’s not killing anyone. he’s a footballer whose career can end with one bad tackle. Simple as that, if someone is willing to pay that kind of money for you, that’s what you’re worth. Take the money.

There’s a lot of hipocrasy when it comes to this situation. A couple of million dollars is NOT chump change. that’s your family’s future.


Is there a quote from Wijnaldum saying that his dream move is Barcelona? I’ve seen plenty media reports labelling it as such when they all thought that’s where he’d end up but I don’t think I’ve come across a single quote from Wijnaldum himself saying as much. That could very well be the case but as far as I can tell he has never stated it publicly.

So first he was viewed in a bad light because we wouldn’t meet his demands, then he was viewed in a bad light when it was reported that he’s joining Barcelona on lower wages and now he is viewed in a bad light because he is actually following the money in a plastic club that also happens to be in a far better position to challenge for titles than his reported “dream” club Barcelona.

Now normally, I wouldn’t bother responding in this thread to be honest. He is no longer a Liverpool player. But the sly digs at him and innuendoes are getting bothersome and tiresome. The only thing that I would begrudge him of is his own insinuations about the “truth” behind his departure. There is no point in that and I doubt it is some great mystery. If he’s got something to say, he should say it and be done with it. Everything else is just pointless PR.