Gini Wijnaldum (CM) - PSG

A lot of assumption there,the only thing we definitely know is basically fuck all.


Surely it involves both however the personal motivation is the indiviual bonuses, surely?
Everyone gets collective bonuses it’s individual ones that are seen as wage boosters!

Gini is obviously looking for a bumper pay day as it’s his last chance. The club are obviously worried about getting stuck paying him 200k a week while his effectiveness wanes.

I think it’s quite normal for wages to decrease over the life of a contract, so I think if there is a deal to be struck it might look like a four year deal with the first two years at the maximum wage, then a sharp decline in year three, with another in year four.

I still think the likelihood is that Gini goes on a free next year. I’m actually fine with that by the way.


As usual but that has never stopped us speculating, discussing, argueing and makeing up shit, has it? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I have to admit I don’t fully know how it works, but I’m sure I read an article or interview that said the club overhauled is approach to wages a few years ago with one of the intentions to limit personal rewards to appearances rather than goals and assists, as the latter rewards selfishness and doesn’t prioritise team building or collectivity.


Why would you think the club would offer to pay him less than a player already in his thirties and probably plays less than Gini does such as Milner?


It’s where our wage system works. You don’t want to have to pay starting salaries to players who aren’t starting.

As you’d expect it varies quite a lot. For a 5-year contract base salary often increases in yearly increments at the end of year one and two, then flattens off end of year 3 before dropping quite a bit end of year 4. Basically it’s to encourage the player to renew or transfer clubs before he becomes a free agent.

That’s right. There are still goal and assist incentives but the bigger ones are team based.

Our incentives are weighted for all sorts of things and can get quite complicated from what I understand. Wins is the biggest single bonus for everyone then after that it varies a bit on your role. I believe that everyone gets a clean sheet bonus (helps the whole team to defend and press like demons).

There’s also a squad bonus pool for progression in Europe and the cups as well as league finishing position and that’s divided up based on various factors, but most recognition is given to involvement/playing time.


I already said, IF there is any truth wages is a sticking point, then obviously, he is not getting what he wants from the club right? For him to jump from 75K to 150K is doubling it, maybe the club is not keen to “double” wages just like that? I never said I know, its possible, but I don’t know like you do not know, I am only responding to Kopstar’s post that quotes Skysports as saying Gini wants to be paid like the rest.

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that sky bit is in line with what my brother said he’d read/heard a few weeks ago, don’t know where, but he’s more levelheaded than i am so it wasn’t grizzkhan or anything–that the club has said to gini, yeah you’ve been relatively underpaid considering you’ve started 45x a year for us, but we’re not going to pay you like firmino or van dijk now to make up for it

if fabinho’s gonna be the 4th cb, probably best to let gini walk next summer on a free. otherwise, thank you for your service, but it would be great if edwards pantsed barca for ~28m on deadline day

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If Gini signs a new deal I’m sure there can be a large signing bonus that reflects some of the ‘underpayment’ of the past year or two, where his wage has perhaps been short of his value to the team. (And I don’t think that has been because the club has been stingy, as I’m sure we’d have liked Gini to sign a new improved deal much earlier than now, if it happens).

Will it get him to the level of Mo, Sadio, VVD? Not likely, and nor should it.

The other sticking point might be the length of contract. I would imagine we will be fine to assume he is going to age 33, but I can’t see us giving him anything beyond that, not at this point anyhow. If he gets to 32 and shows no signs of decline, he might be up for some sort of Milner style shorter term deal, but it’s a long time between now and then.

All this is to say it is finely poised. Might sign a new deal very soon. Might even go elsewhere this window. Or he might wait it out and then get a large payday next summer on a Bosman, which will presumably more than make up for a couple of relatively lean years being ‘underpaid’ while also getting him a new experience, perhaps in sunnier climes.

I would give all three outcomes about an equal chance of happening.


@Kopstar How do player contacts and salaries compare under law with regards different wages for effectively doing the same job? You can’t pay a man more than a woman for doing the same job so how can you pay a man more than another man for doing the same job? I know it’s a slightly silly question but surely the principle is the same?

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Same job? To the same standard? :thinking:

That’s like suggesting I ought to be paid the same as all lawyers.

No way I’m taking a paycut :stuck_out_tongue:


How many goals did Allisson score last year? Hugo? They’re part of a team…

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So everyone who works in your business gets paid the same? Didn’t have you pegged as a socialist :wink:

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It’s not salaried anyway, is it? It’s a contract between two parties so I doubt it is subject to the same employment law.

It’s definitely salaried. The player’s are employees of the club.


The last company I worked for I was paid less than someone else doing the same job as me. I was livid when I found out.

He was shit.

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They all get paid more than me! Seriously, is it not the case that people who do the same job have to be paid the same? Starting member of a football team would seem to fit that bill? You could argue that strikers (the front 3 starting) have more skill and so should be paid more but should be paid the same?

I don’t agree with it (as you know) but surprised it hasn’t been brought up in court. Unless my interpretation of UK employment law is incorrect? Hence why I asked the legal YTS boy :wink:

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They aren’t doing the same job though. Otherwise they could all swap positions and there would be no difference. They also aren’t the same value to the club, commercially.


Matip and Gomez do the same job? Both play next to VVD? Gini Fab Hugo and Alcantera will all rotate in midfield? Do you see my point? Is there a scale (accepted by employment law) of value to club vs salary? Just seems ambiguous to me.