Goodbye Fellow Reds, Friends and Everybody Else

Just stick to football on here then dude. That what attracted us all in the first place.

Head to another site/forum/social for all the non football stoush.

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I post on two forums - this one and a political one.

On the political forum, I am not shy about expressing my opinions or calling out those with whom I disagree. It can be really slash and burn at times.

That’s one of the reasons why I enjoy coming here. I may have made 10 posts here on politics. Here I can be the person who I really am (or want to be!). Over there, I can vent my frustrations and let loose in ways I can’t IRL. I don’t want to do that here. Here, I just want to talk about football and maybe a few other things that I’m interested in. It’s a much nicer place. Politics has generally become just awful.


I guess it has to do with your recent discussion in the racism thread that is now locked?

There are things I agree with you on and some that I don’t, just as in life with many other people.

Unlike you, on the internet, I am ok to let people win or let them think they win. That would have been my suggestion to you. But that would not be you, I guess. I am generally ok with you and having different opinions in a forum, if I don’t agree, I just move on. I guess maybe there had been some PMs going between you and others after the thread was locked that resulted in you thinking that it’s just not worth it anymore.

If you can look away at certain threads, do stay but if it bothers you that you cannot have a discussion without being an easy target, and you feel better staying away, good for you. In any case, YNWA!


This is why we need to trash the manures often

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I had exchanges with Klopptimist in a few threads, the most recent being the Room 101 thread.
I don’t like his politics, his arrogance and his presumptions regarding other people.
His spats with @Mascot are much fiercer than mine though. He challenged Mascot to ban him…he would have been a self made martyr if that happened…

I am sure I have annoyed him, as he has annoyed me. I wouldn’t engage him in a pub. We would be in different pubs. We are poles apart, its that simple. His political viewpoint will never change. Neither will mine.

His last attempt at insult towards me was to correct my grammar in that thread. Its pathetic, just a cheap attempt at insult because his argument regarding strikes was correctly shredded. Not just by me either.

If he stays, well and good. If he goes, well and good. If I was leaving he wouldn’t give a fuck, and I am as ambivalent towards him leaving.

We can coexist in the one space, just not expecting each other to express undying love. If he stays well and good, if so we will continue to argue as we are different.

I tried (poorly) to upload gifs last night…

But a la Curly Bill in Tombstone…I will just say, once again.



I’m pretty sure quite a bunch of people don’t agree to whatever I say , whether it’s football or any other issues and that’s the way it should be. It’s not an echo chamber.

There have been people who’ve left before w.r.t the israel-palestine issues and other issues before that.

Not everyone would have share the exact same beliefs (political or otherwise), but by and large people can co-exist. It’s a shame to see members leave the online forum though (for whatever reason).

I’m strictly Liverpool talk I stay in my lane,

To many opinions from everyone,Sooner or later people will clash,

Don’t pay attention to what people say other than the park attendant, tax man or the po po are coming around the corner,

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If you want to leave, leave. It’s your decision. No one forced you to participate in the first place.

Don’t pin it on the forum though. Having one hand behind the back and not being allowed to be yourself are weak excuses. You’ve been here for years, no one stopped you from posting whatever you liked, as long as it was within forum rules.


The best advice i was given by a Mod, when things get too much, take ‘a break away’ and go to lighter threads when coming back.

We come from all over the world, brought up in different ways, faiths and find other ways of finding inner peace. We all can never agree on many things, life would be boring if we all nod our head in unison.

Only thing which unites us, we are all a family of Reds, Anfield is our spirtual place of enlightenment. TAN is like the family house, where there maybe the odd squabble with one of us, we leave the house for abit, then when we have calmed down, we come back.

TAN is a wonderful place, compared to other forums. There are alot of good people here, so don’t give up on TAN ever. This place is where the people will pick you up, when you are at your most saddest state of mind and help you out of it.


I’d agree with the sentiment that no-one is forcing you to leave, nor have you ever been censored, to my knowledge.

I just don’t get the desire to leave simply because yours is a minority position (if indeed that is true). People post, people respond to that post, the end. If more people here feel a particular way about a particular issue, so be it.


snowflake microscope GIF

Can we start a thread for the tough guys (who punch down on minorities but throw a hissy fit when challenged) to announce their departure?


Without wanting to wade into this too much, with some of what is being said I feel like some context is probably required at this point.

The site team felt that some of Klopptimist’s recent posts violated site rules and, after much discussion about the appropriate course of action, it was decided he’d most likely just been a little clumsy in how he’d expressed himself. He was subsequently approached privately and asked to take more care in future in what he said on particularly sensitive topics.

That was obviously deemed unacceptable, and here we are.

I think it’s also worth stating for the record, as he’s not-too-subtly alluded to in the OP, that Mascot removed himself from the decision-making process as he felt he was too close to the situation.


Typical Daily Mail reader.

What I don’t get is why make the big announcement? If you don’t like how people respond to your opinions then just leave without the fanfare.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure this will end up like @cynicaloldgit’s grand exit.


And no drama? No pleading to stay…

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There is an important difference, though: I left because I was disenchanted with the state of football at the time (and still am). I did not have an issue with the forum.


Just had a read through the racism thread to see what the fuss was about.

I usually skip posts and let things be when i don’t agree with them, as i don’t post that frequently, but i couldn’t let his take on the little mermaid movie go and i tried to pokefun and make light of it in movie thread. Black mermaids couldn’t exist because of some scientific reason about light filtering through ocean depths would make them light skinned or translucent or some nonsense, and the mermaids should have been a white actress. Anyone railing at a kids movie because the MERMAIDS are dark skinned so it’s unrealistic scientifically maybe has another agenda. That one bothered me, and reading his recent take in racism thread, oof. Good riddance. Ignorant at best.


The gay angels furore was a personal favourite.


To be honest, I thought he was trying to be facetious but forgot to let it go.

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Lol I’m not sure, Disney was one of his favorite subjects in movie thread.