Goodbye Fellow Reds, Friends and Everybody Else

‘There’s only one thing worse than being talked about …’

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Shame to see you go @Klopptimist but there are no words for this!

That said , I didn’t see what was being said in that particular thread.

But there are some of Klopptimist and his viewpoints that I don’t disagree with. And some which I disagree. He’s always been a fun poster so will miss him

I wish you well, take care.

Its A Trap GIF by Star Wars

Bring back @ptt

Y’know, this thread might have been more impactful if he’d actually left and didn’t keep logging in every ten minutes.

Just Saying Schitts Creek GIF by CBC


Are we sure the two aren’t the same person?

One day they will study the 2020s phenomenom of middle aged white men aggressively and consistently voicing the same personal opinion over and over again while simultaneously claiming they are being silenced and aren’t allowed to voice opinions.


But to be fair, on an internet forum, names and labels are thrown at each other easily nowadays. Yes we tell people you have freedom of speech, but the moment someone says something you disagree with, that person is called snowflakes, racist, bigot, whatever. It’s not enough to just say I disagree with you and here is why but we have to place them into a label as if we know them as a person in real life and some people perhaps get sick of that.

I don’t know what has been said to Klopptimist this time round that steered him in this direction because over the years, he has no shortages of disagreement with him from different topics and angles and he has been pretty thick skinned about most of them but sometimes I get pretty sick of people calling people names just because we don’t agree and I say it for both ways.


And in any case, life is short. Just be happy.

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He has the freedom to say what he wants, other people have the freedom to say what they want. Sometimes that will take the form of either fairly or unfairly being characterised as a racist/sexist/misogynist/bigot etc.

Its not like Klopptimist was restrained in calling people names either.

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That’s why I said I said it for both ways. I just don’t understand that alot of us claimed to be civilised but cannot stop ourselves from labelling someone we only talked to on the internet.

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While we are talking about ex TANS - come back @Scott.Jones !!


Whilst I didn’t always agree with his views, especially regarding politics, I enjoyed @klopptimist’s postings more often than not.

In regards to him deciding to leave the forum, I’m neither here nor there, but want to point out that we are a fairly small forum, so losing any poster is not good for the site as the numbers go down the level of posting drops, bith in terms of quantity and more importantly it’s quality.


I think it was actually that last @gasband piece of artwork that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Something about it being cruel being compared to a seagull, he wasn’t clear

@Alright_Now @Lowton_Red @Draexnael


Lest we forget Big Noyd/DioufGates!!!

Unless the stuff that person is posting is potentially keeping other from joining up, contributing and sticking around?

I don’t know, but if I was a trans Liverpool fan, it might be off-putting to read a forum where someone thinks being gender non-conforming is exactly the same as someone identifying as a house brick. I might get the impression that it wasn’t very inclusive.


Also add @Broomy to the list!


It should be quality rather than quantity and having lurked around for ages both in RAWK and TIA , found the discussions here better.

That said , getting in new members would make the discussions more engaged.