Goodbye Fellow Reds, Friends and Everybody Else

Sorry ACDT please.

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To be clear, his account is still in operation and he can log in and post at any time. This step was his choice.


I know this. we’ve chatted back and forth after he posted it.

I’m only going on what he posted here.

I understand this. Watched a number of his engagement with various members of this forum on very controversial topics. Don’t think he gave a great account of himself but he’s entitled to his opinion. Not everyone shares those views, even fewer willing to defend them to that extent.

Anyways, that’s all I have for this. I’m sick as fuk and going to bed.

Get well soon

He’s reading the recent squabbling and is like…

seth meyers GIF


Unfortunately, on an internet forum that’s all we have to go on.

To be honest though i’m not sure which is worse; that his online persona is actually reflective of who he is and what he believes in real life, or that a middle aged man has thought it worthwhile to create and maintain this persona for however many years.


Replying to you but not specifically to you and just to all in general,

yet alot of us have criticize online media and social media and then come to an internet forum and project who a person is based on the opinions of topics of discussions. Even if some of the opinions spouted by him or some other people sound like drivel or garbage, all we have to do is either keep quiet or say ‘I don’t agree with those opinions’ and say why you don’t agree with those opinions, there is absolutely nothing to go on and make out an online persona of a person that we don’t know in real life.

All of us like to think we are right and perhaps alot of times we are in many matters. But this is the internet and Klopptimist, no matter how much we can disagree with his opinions online, he is a real person and a real person that now some other forumers have said they met in real life and found to be quite likeable.

I never met him and perhaps will disagree with him on some key matters close to my heart but perhaps since he has supposedly left the forum, there is no need to for anyone of us to double down on an internet persona and someone we don’t know in real life.

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What colour are Killer whales?

beats that theory :slight_smile:

Fucking killer whales being made to push the agenda on us now. Disney has gone too far.

White male belugas stand up and be counted

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White Pointers are a tad pissed off not getting a guernsey!

I think you are being pretty naive. His opinions are probably shared by a sizeable minority of the population. He was just someone who was willing to speak his truth instead of keeping it hidden in the shadows.

The law of averages suggests there are would be a number on here who deep down share similar opinions on a number of matters Klopptimist got embroiled in, but for them it’s probably safer just to share those opinions with close friends and family. Perhaps not to the extent of questioning black mermaids though.

Unfortunately for Klopptimist he had a bit of a ‘couldnt-give-a-fuck’ attitude which made him difficult to get along with.


For me TAN is a community, honestly I dont like any poster leaving. But I can understand when they do.

I try and take a more holistic view. I want diverse views, even if I disagree with them (Thats why I would not mind fans from other clubs), I want for people to be happy and TAN to bring people joy. Although we tend to complicate things, its really that simple.

He was not happy.

Speaking as someone that nearly walked away from TIA, but then started TAN. Sometimes a break is a good thing. Sometimes leaving for good is the right decision.

I wish him the best.


Well bollocks. I’m actually sad about this. And I’m also crap at keeping up with the latest, so I’m only finding out about it now, having stumbled across this thread.


I disagreed with you on a few things, but I hope it was always civil and fair. Thatcher was shite and Jesus is ace, and maybe one day you will get there, lol!

From my perspective, you are entitled to your viewpoint and you are entitled to argue it… and others can, and should, go back at you with their perspective. It’s how it all works.

It’s just a forum though. Most of it is chatting bollocks about the reds. And what a fine club it is that we all love. How lucky we are!

But I see the human being too, and feel poorer that you are choosing to leave. Husband, dad, Tory, business owner, amateur goalkeeper, lover of life, strident viewpoints, and a good red.

Take care mate, and I hope you will be back soon. It is richer with you here.


revenge of the sith episode 3 GIF by Star Wars

Better hope no one from Redcafe comes in here.

Our inside job at redcafe will be in danger.

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I’m pretty sure this is all anyone has ever done. He comes out with some extreme viewpoint which is viewed by most people as offensive or intolerant, gets called out on it, then gets offended because people don’t agree with his opinion.
He’s completely welcome to that initial opinion. The issues start when presented with a counter opinion backed up by evidence, he’ll completely ignore it, double down and claim he isn’t allowed to have his own opinion. Also claiming at some points that he’s not too soft to be upset by being called a name on the internet, but then pissing his knickers every time there’s even a hint of an insult aimed in his direction.

I know that you and I myself for example have very different opinions about certain political/personal viewpoints. But neither of us bring those up in every single thread we go into. If we’re talking in the film thread it’s probably because we’ve enjoyed (or not) a film, not because we’re offended by a casting choice in a film we haven’t seen and are free to never watch.
I don’t see you scouring the internet daily for articles to be outraged about.

If you’re suggesting sympathy and consideration for him as a human person behind a keyboard. That’s fine. But I’d question where that consideration for an individual was whenever he was talking about someone using a foodbank, or a bin man trying to pay their bills.


You’re right. We’ll have to set you up with deep cover by banning you here.