Goodbye Fellow Reds, Friends and Everybody Else

I call everyone fuckwits, as has been evidenced many times on this forum.


Yes, and you think they are all right wing extremists. FYI extremist libs are called twatils.

No, they aren’t all right wing extremists. Left wing extremists can be fuckwits too. So can those in the political centre. To repeat my oft-stated mantra: people are fuckwits.

That’s the last I’m going to say on the matter, as I have better things to do. Like go to the pub.


There was a guy on here that did. He used to hate all that extremist lib stuff like putting pronouns on a name badge or wearing a rainbow lanyard to work.

Forget his name now.


Have one on me and ponder my relatively conservative stance on gun ownership, or my extreme lib stance on those gay people. Just fucking with you btw.

ken jeong ha gay GIF

You won’t get away from fuckwits, by going to the pub.

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True. But at least the people I meet in the pub are those with whom I choose to spend my time.

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@cynicaloldgit will be a little more numb though

You like spending time with fuckwits? And no, I won’t hang out with you unless it’s 15:00 gmt.

How the fuck does this thread have 130 posts?

Pardon me, I’m operating on airport rules currently


Confused Power Rangers GIF


131 now…

Fixed for accuracy :wink:

I see some people will just milk any thread for easy likes.

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I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion around these parts, but if you take his online presence/persona here away from the equation he is actually a very likable guy.

I met him and Red_Jedi at Hotel TIA, they were nice enough to connect with me there on match day and spent the pre and post-match festivities with me.

The world has changed so much since 2019, and in turn some people have as well. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if it’s perceived as wrong by others. :man_shrugging:

I’ll remain in touch with him and a few others who have left here for various reasons.


Please keep this thread PG rated.

And some people post udder rubbish

moooooove along, nothing to see here

And during covid offered to set up a zoom call for the forum and made a video of a puppet show he did.