Thailand 2017 – parte dos: My return to Chiangrai
Part 6
In the company of pussies. On our way to the Chiangrai bus terminal to catch an old rickety bus back to the farm, we happened to pass by a cat cafe; a coffee and snacks joint adorned with cats as temporary companions. The place is aptly named CAT “n” A CUP, with a large clowder of adorable pussies populating the floor and wall shelves. Though I’m not particularly enamored of them, they don’t repulse me and so when Jeffrey suggested we chill out for a while inside, I had no objections. We were to end up resting our bums on the floor cushions by the low table for over an hour as Jeffrey fully immersed himself in playing with the cuties. By the by, I warmed up to them and started shooting close-ups of these little adorables.
This was when we first stepped in. The cafe slowly filled up as the mid afternoon wore on. With more people, the cats then left their comfy shelves and baskets to mingle around so as to partake of the cat food being dished out. I was seated at the end of the cafe premises with my back resting against the wall for a commanding view of the goings-on. ▼
Here are a few out of the tens of portraits I shot of the largely docile felines: ▼
Snack time for one of the cafe’s permanent residents. ▼
And no, that’s mine and it stayed mine though one of the fluffies did try to covertly sneak a sip. ▼
I was using a long telezoom lens of up to effectively 400mm, so I was not really as in-your-face as the photos might convey. Still, it required lots of patience as cats generally would not keep their eyes fixed on a camera lens for long. Soon, my attention waned and I looked to other beings to occupy my time as Jeffrey was still well focused on his newfound temporary friends. No more felines for my camera but the feminine patrons of the cafe could help kill my time, surreptitiously.
This “yawning” lady was at a considerable distance away but directly across from my table and as such I was keeping half an eye on her for an opportune shot. ▼
She then noticed the camera trained in her direction, shot me a defiant pout and turned back to whatever she was doing. ▼
This other happened to turn towards me at the moment I clicked the shutter. She reacted; by acknowledging me with a light smile. In the background, the previous lady appeared about to scratch or even dig her nose with her right pinky. I don’t know, but I suspect she might “kill” me if I happened to clearly catch her unwomanly act on camera. ▼
On the other hand, this fairer half of an engrossed couple was not even aware that she was in my crosshairs. ▼
And neither did this pair of young sisters. They were too busy with you-know-what! ▼
Wat Tham Pla or Temple of the Fish Cave. The temple was founded by a Burmese monk, hence its Burmese architectural influence… It got its name from the fish pond flowing out of the cave. Besides the carps, its also home to primates. There are so many of them that periodically, blanks would be fired from a shotgun to shoo them off to the upper caves and surrounding trees.
The gateway to the compound, the temple proper, and the hillpeak white chedi behind the temple. The latter is also visible in the top left of the preceding adjacent image. ▼
This kid was with his father, both praying devoutly and placing their marks on a long running roll of saffron cloth scroll for visitors. Then he decided to get playful for my camera. Kids will always be kids. ▼
The aquatic creatures that contribute to part of the place’s name.▼
And the little simian co-inhabitants. ▼
This picturesque “mountain & lake resort” is adjacent to Wat Tham Pla but since I am blind to the Thai script which is as good as French or Greek to me, I couldn’t let on the name. ▼
Khun Nam. A popular relaxation area surrounded by lush vegetation, this secluded pond formed by mountain waters, near where I stayed only got crowded in the afternoons and super jam-packed during their holidays. We went in the late morning with only a few souls around, and the food stalls just readied for the later throngs to come. Its full title, though not often referred to as such, is Khun Nam Nang Non or Lagoon of the Sleeping Lady.
*Hardly any person in the mornings. These ladies had the place all to themselves…….or so they thought! ▼
Another pouting lass! (or is she the same one as the “yawning lady” in the cat cafe above? Could also be a close relative? Well, I don’t know. Such a doppelganger!) She with a companion were preparing to indulge in some selfie moments when she spotted me, longlensed camera in hand at a distance, waiting for the right moments to catch her in her act. With that momentary light pursing of her lips, she then nonchalantly went about doing what she set out to do. ▼
Fried creepies & crawlies. Thai delicacies, but I wouldn’t touch them with a ten-foot pole. ▼
to be continued… …Next up: the cave of the “trapped boy football team”, the border town with Myanmar, and my temporary “home”.