How to Ignore Posters

I appreciate for some users interactions can become difficult. Especially as some topics grown and get more heated. We have a few different options here on TAN.

Lets say you are getting into a heated say in the Brexit thread :wink:

The first thing I would suggest it muting notification on that thread.

If its a specific user, you just want a break from then try muting notifications. This can be done in your profile. This way you will not be alerted if they quote or mention you.

If you are so annoying that you dont even want to read their posts, you can click on ignore

As you see you can set a date and time. I would suggest in first instance ignore someone for a week.

Please note some functions become activated once you reach a certain membership level eg 100 posts


Not sure where the ignore function would be for me. It might be my luddite technical ability or user level or…dunno?

I don’t have the same interface as in your screenshots.

One aspect I did find frustrating from TIA is that when you ignored a poster it would hide whole threads if they were the OP. That was slightly annoying if they’d happen to have started a rumour thread, for example. I’m intrigued to see how it operates here.

“If you are so annoying that you dont even want to read their posts, you can click on ignore”

What if they are annoying?


I think you have to post a minimum number of times to get the ability to ignore people.

I’m sure you’ll soon make it :wink:

Hopefully not 100! Don’t want to spam the place :wink:

Ignore functionality appears to be broken at the moment.

It seems to be working for me:

I tested it using Kopstars name.

Whats the issue ? is it posts you can see, or is a poster able to PM you ?

I’ve never understood why people would use the ignore function.

Not using it means two things:

a) It’s easier to follow a thread in its entirety;
b) You get to laugh at the utter delusion of certain posters.


Seems to be working again. Maybe I accidentally clicked to show hidden posts?


I know youre talking about me

Sad Cartoon GIF

Blocked :fu:


Sure you did. “Tested it” :joy:


Nahh its not a function I tend to use…honest :sweat_smile:

never used it before ever here or any other forums I have been. Perhaps I never take any discussion online so personally, I just move on if the other party cannot seem to get my point. By the way, great that mine is the first reply I see in this thread!



It’s working perfectly well. Thankfully

  1. If you want to avoid reading/receiving personal abuse.
  2. If you want to avoid reading racist remarks
  3. If you want to avoid reading false information.
  4. If you don’t like posters calling you out for any of 1, 2 or 3.
  5. If you prefer to keep within your own echo chamber.

Just a quick memo that this part of the forum is for advice on technical issues only, cheers.


Thank you so much, it is working fantastically since I started using it. It is the best feature on this site. I never used it before, (i wish I had used it a long time ago), it is really useful and helpful.


Is there any way to ignore posters if their public profile is hidden?

Click your profile picture on the top right > Click the person silhouette > Preferences > Users > Add… > “Prolix” > Select a timeframe

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You even made a lucky guess as to which poster he wanted to ignore.

Well, I say lucky…

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