I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread

Rules which Everton voted for. Daft prick.


Didnt the council grant them a large chunk?

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It’s not from their cash flow, as the poet suggests. They are borrowing it from all kinds of shady funders.

There are absolutely skint.


I was under the impression that any spend on stadium, etc, was not part of fair play calculations.

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I know they’re sponsored by Stake online casino, but wasn’t there some other shady org investing in them? 777 something?

I seem to recall that was likely bad news at the time. Not sure if it went through or not.

I think they are still hanging around.

Taking Joe Anderson + Hatton out of the equation has not helped the Bramley Moor project one iota :0)


Cheer yourself up listen to an Everton rant about their fan base.
Apparently anyone giving grief is a Peado and all the fans are wools.

UEFA rules. The PL rules add a more stringent test against going broke. You are allowed to lose a ton of money by funding capital investments…but not if you are borrowing it and don’t appear to have a real chance of paying it back.



Put the blue open top bus back in the garage.

Oh come off it. The last time Everton needed to hire a coach for a cup final they were held up by Dick Turpin.

The deposit on it can go back into their slim finances

Were there any Everton fans in your pub the other day after the Klopp news … :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If it’s one regret I have about Klopp’s time with Liverpool (apart from the more er… Relevant ones) , it is that these turds didn’t get relegated

Still a chance :wink:

A few, looking very smug.

The only thing they could possibly ever be smug about is some perceived misfortune for us.


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