I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread

It is not a scrap yard they need for that is for metal… They need a pallet yard that takes scrap wood… as in Woodison…! The place is just a glorified garden shed :0)

I agree with @RedWhippet that its an internet thing. I don’t live in Liverpool anymore but I did until I was 28 - Evertonians are fine. Generally they hate us on matchdays, as they’re entitled to do, and it definitely means more to them to beat Liverpool than any other club but majority of families in Liverpool have Red/Blue divides so the hatred is just a gameday thing not a consistent atmosphere in the city.

In my family, for example, I don’t have any direct relations to Evertonians but my cousin’s husband is a Blue. When we would have family gathering his usual thing was to say “oh I know, its not good we’re crap” and hope no one else mentioned his team again.

The internet seems to magnify emotions so I’m sure most of the people who are wishing Everton out of existence are either joking, not thinking it through, not from Liverpool (and don’t understand the rivalry) or are from Liverpool and are just pricks. It’d be devastating to half the people in the city and, honestly, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone to lose their club.

Everton need punishing, harshly, but I hope they aren’t disappeared.


Nah! It wouldn’t.

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Maybe not so much now but they definitely used to be. Among my ageing group of friends and relatives almost without exception, the catholics support Everton and the Proddydogs Liverpool. We were only discussing this a while back at my sports club. One old guy in his late 80s who I knew to be a blue and from a protestant family piped up that he bucked the trend but it was because he started school during the war and his parents sent him to the local catholic school for convenience and he didn’t want to stand out from the rest.

I am from a big protestant family (orange lodge back in the day) and all are without exception reds. My wife’s family are third generation Irish catholics and all are/were blues.


If you look at the origins of both clubs, and the dispute/split between Everton and Houlding, both clubs really have their origin in a Methodist congregation. Everton’s name change from St. Domingo’s was likely to open up the club to non-sectarian membership and support. I suspect any sectarian alignment has been a moving average effect rather than the fundamental base of the community the club represents.


There is half a truth in that because when Liverpool formed and split from Everton, a Catholic director encouraged all the Catholics to stay at Goodison rather than the new club.

However, Matt Busby wrote that what he particularly liked about Liverpool (FC) in the 1930s was that there was no sectarianism at the club, something he had experienced both in Glasgow and at Manchester City.

FWIW my father’s family were Scots Catholics and supported Liverpool. My mother’s family were from an Ulster Protestant tradition and the only Evertonians were from that side of the family. Maybe the loyalty is reset for immigrant families?


I wouldnt put it beyond them, provided the scrap value was there. For the record, there isnt much value in rust abd wood is classified as a hazardous waste.

So the stadium would be worthless then?

I think we all knew that already :rofl:

My dad was a blue as was his father, and his family were originally from Everton. In fact my Everton supporting granddad was also a member of the Orange Lodge. This came as something of a surprise to my dad when he found his father’s lodge regalia in a box in the loft after his dad died.

So there really doesn’t seem to have been much a of sectarian split at all, although in the past that, seemingly, pointless Celtic - Rangers chant did seem to get more voices for Rangers that for Celtic.


Thankfully the sectarian split in support has largely gone now but I went to school in the 50s and 60s and it was definitely still a thing then, hence it is still evident amongst my surviving contemporaries who are all late 70s and 80s now.

Since WW2 there have been a lot more mixed marriages and that has surely had an effect.

Funnily enough I have a relative who is a Church of Scotland minister and one of his sons is a Celtic fan…:flushed:


I know an Everton fan and he’s as bitter as they come. He’s been a member of the Orange Lodge all his life. He even refuses to set foot inside a Catholic Church, for funerals and weddings.

Whoops, according to the FT Leadenhall have filed a lawsuit against 777 accusing them of Fraud.

777 sound like a right bunch of chancers if the accusation is correct.

There was a fair bit of nastiness growing up as kids but then half of them swapped teams every season :joy:

I wonder if those who swapped to Everton in 1995 ever swapped back

Bit of a twat then? Sectarian shit is still shit, no matter who you sprung from. This is the 21st century, not the 17th, last time I looked anyhow.

It doesn’t get mentioned in this article, but ACAP’s statement in response to being named in the lawsuit is to deny that there is any scheme involving ACAP, but notably confirming that they do have first charge on 777’s assets - which is more or less confirming that Leadenhall’s allegation against 777 Partners is correct.


What a cunt.

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Fitting for a club like Everton to have them

Reminder that Everton had Ancelotti and Rafa managing them at one point.

Proof that turds cant be polished.

Still wonder how much they paid him to go… like he is managing one of the best in Europe now

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