I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread

That is where the shenanigans come in - hard to bring in a white knight when the possibility of relegation is in the air for off-pitch reasons. Everton in the PL for 2024/25 is worth a lot more than Everton in the Championship, which is really a premium version of the (Blackburn-Bolton-Wigan) set.

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They also have security over Moshiri’s shares (majority, anyway), so could take Moshiri out. Their problem is that right now, they are the creditor with first call. If they take Moshiri out without triggering a restructuring/administration of some form, they become the equity holder and 777 Partners becomes the creditor - albeit likely with a weaker form of security. At this point, that is probably what 777 Partners actually want, I can’t imagine they still want to own the damn thing.

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My gut says they’re safe, even with another 2 point deduction.

That stadium though…

You don’t happen to have £350M or so in your sofa cushions, do you? Asking for a friend…


Half finished Stadium and the funds stuck there as well. MSP will not take over at this point knowing that they’ll have to pay 200M to 777 and then pay Moshiri some money. Why would they ?

The money owed by Everton is 360m and Everton probably need another half a billion if not more to complete the stadium (read somewhere that the stadium is costing them 750M GBP). That’s takes them to the billion needed to save Everton. At that point , There are other clubs with far less liabilities that can be gotten for any prospective owner.

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Yup, if that stadium was built and the ground around it would be of some worth.

It’s like Swansea, the council built a stadium but what wasn’t mentioned was they also own the retail park right next to it which made its money.

They should be safe but I can’t see this not facing further penalties. Leicester are probably quite happy as it counts of one club worst off than them.

If Everton sell Goodison out with an agreement to lease the land till their new stadium is done.

That’ll get them some money I suppose but knowing Everton , They’ll blow through the money , the new stadium won’t get done and they’ll end up paying rent for Goodison when they invariably get stuck in the Championship. They aren’t going to continuously get lucky enough to keep avoiding relegation.

By that point , It’s a matter of when Everton get under administration and not If.

If I did I’d be buying new curtains before Everton

£350 million on new curtains?

You are Carrie Johnson and I claim my five pounds.

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Yes. For every house overlooking Goodison, their training facilties, shop, womens and youth team grounds. Possibly a very big fence in Stanley Park too.

I may allow everyone to watch the unfolding disaster at the new stadium though.

Just noticed on google Maps that Scrap my Car Bootle is just down the road from Goodison

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The other problem with the stadium is that should it not be completed I think they are under agreement to return the land to its previous heritage site status? It’s going to cost them whatever happens.


Liverpool with richer owners didn’t see the value in building a new stadium , focusing instead on expanding Anfield.

It’s hilarious on how keen Everton are to be not seen as Liverpool FC. They probably could have gone through the same route as Liverpool and expand Goodison piece by piece.

It’s one thing asking for improvements on Stadiums and to have a new stadium when the club is on a stable footing , but a totally different thing to focus on that when their footings are on sand.

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I said that earlier. To me it looks like they engaged with an architect who went a bit nuts, and as often happens think they can deliver something spectacular for half the true cost. Blinded by the shiny design the client commits to it, with little knowledge or appreciation of the risks involved and before you know it they’re in deep cacu.

The TV programme Grand Designs has made awesome viewing figures off that exact formula.

Next step is to reign back on the fixtures and finishes. They might be changing in portacabins out back and all the fans will be sitting on timber benches supported on breeze blocks

I would reframe that to our owners understood the value of finding a way to make staying in our historical home work. If it wasn’t Anfield and everything that came with that then the calculations would have been very different


I would also add they knew what they were doing, both from sports club ownership through to brand development (as you point out) and everything that goes into stadium design, construction and management.

The club was left with an unbelievable £50m fee for the prelim. design work on the H&G Stanley Park effort. I remember shaking my head in shame when that figure came out. I also bet that design was also filled with what I’d call risky elements that weren’t properly costed.


There have been more ashes spread around Anfield and the pitch, than what have been spread in Anfield cemetery… Besides fans worshipping at the ground every matchday, it is actually, a holy shrine to a lot of families… Can’t replicate that with a shiny new ground - although that fact probably never entered into the thinking of any architect vying for the prestige - Really glad Anfield remained where it is


Apparently, they’re not taking insolvency advice, they’re merely looking for ways of managing short-term debt.
Really? Well, perhaps they should be.

BBC Sport understands the club are not taking insolvency advice, external but are considering ways of restructuring its short-term debt to make it more manageable.

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being a fair bit removed from the vitriolic banter, im not affected by them as much as the locals, and dont have this simmering hatred that has blown out between the two clubs sets of fans…

…so with that said, be a shame for them to dissappear into nothingness

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That is for cars, would they be capable of scrapping an entire stadium?

To be honest, I think it is more an online thing than anything. My brother is an Evertonian and I have quite a few good friends that are. The Liverpool clubs aren’t split along sectarian lines so that isn’t an issue.

Obviously, they will give you stick when we lose, but that’s just sporting rivalry (and general bitterness as well. Imagine watching that shambles every week.)