I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread

I mean, are either of those needed given the standard of British construction nowadays?

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Interesting. That new stadium on stilts and piles hasn’t been loaded yet.

Anyone with any insight on construction drawings?

We are up a hill. Though I do like the musuem.

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Yeah, if a wave makes it up the Breck Road, we’re all stuffed.

Harrison Rimmer. You need to remember that name. Anyone know why?

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Just looked him up…

I thought it was related to Red Dwarf.

“Harrison Rimmer scoring the first goal at Everton’s new stadium giving it the “6 Times” gesture! Couldn’t get more Everton.” Turns out he’s a Liverpool fan.


They’re already fuming on WSAG about the prices in BMD, £6.50 for a pie, £3.50 for a doughnut etc. Think they’re planning on selling pints of piss, sorry, Budweiser for about 7 quid too.
On top of the fume about Sandhills last week, the realisation that access and egress are going to be a nightmare and the anger about the parking zones and their effect on local businesses, it’s starting to look like reality is slowly dawning on them.
It doesn’t matter how nice the stadium looks with all the lights switched on, if they don’t get things right on the pitch they’re in big trouble. They need to be competing for Europa League as a bare minimum with some decent cup runs thrown in, 2 things they’ve been unable to do even when throwing money about left, right and centre.
If they are still scratching around in the bottom half of the table in 2 years time , paying top dollar for tickets/food/drink in a freezing cold stadium where it takes them 2 hours after the game finishes to get back to Walton/Croxteth/Fazakerley then the novelty will wear off pretty quickly.
It could go either way for them, and recent history suggests it’s just as likely to go tits-up as be a success, but not many seem to see it as a possibility.




He was also at Everton before moving to Wigan aged 11.


Got to love the fans of a team that celebrated a draw over us like it had won the league moaning how the lads going do nothing and it looks rather tragic :joy:

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Sign him up. A youth contract at the very least.


Much gnashing of teeth in today’s Echo about the state of Sandhills station after the test event last night. “Disaster waiting to happen” etc.
That’s with 10,000 in attendance. Wait until there’s 53000 trying to get away via 1 fucking main road.
Said it a while back, if I was the bloke signing off on the stadium in terms of H&S I’d be shitting it every time they played there.
Also it seems most of those interviewed for the report left at HT because it was so fucking cold.
I’d almost find it funny but I have a wife and sister who will both be going when it opens.


Planning permission is supposed to address…

Hang on a second…


53000…is this some kind of typo…


No doubt they will have some concerts.


Yeah, that will be quite the draw :wink: :sweat_smile:

Sorry gang.
I have to say this, but this is astonishing piece of engineering, building the stadium near the dock further enhancing the Liverpool city’s skyline. The stadium looks magnificent and will be bring revenue to the city for other events


Be astonishing if it doesn’t flood.