I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread

It already has.

Got to admit, stadium design has come a long way

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It’s on the water, in a world of rising sea levels.

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Never mind.

Flying from Australia to Liverpool has no effect.

Can’t argue with that. There are a few of the new skyscrapers in the city centre that I think are an architectural disaster, but that looks the business.

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I looks great. But the transport infrastructure has just struggled with a test game in front of 8000 fans.


It seems as though everything comes at a cost @Maria in some form or other… The new stadium does look impressive though.

Liverpool stripped of Unesco World Heritage status

Liverpool stripped of Unesco World Heritage status - BBC News


I’ve seen some Liverpudlian opinion that the World Heritage status had become a bit of an albatross - the benefits of the tourism it brought were much less than the projected benefits of economically developing the area, which Bramley Moore is part of.


I was really pleased about that. Hasn’t affected the number of tourists in the slightest or the number of cruise ships visiting. Those world heritage stasuses are not a blessing. Good riddance.


I think it was a bit of a pithy decision.

However I don’t think Everton will bring people into the City :wink:

No, but I think the hope is Bramley Moore is a catalyst for further regeneration.

I’d be concerned about building stadium hoping for further regeneration especially in such an at risk area.

It could be the best looking stadium in the world but building it where they have is a massive fucking mistake and could back-fire on them in spectacular fashion.
I live 5 or 6 miles from BMD and I honestly wouldn’t know how I’d get there and back if it was our ground. I’m not kidding when I say I think walking it would be the quickest option. There is extremely limited parking in the whole area and public transport is completely and utterly inadequate.
The crowd can disperse from Goodison in all directions. There is a 2/3 lane carriageway (Queens Drive) that takes traffic towards the M62 and a 3 lane carriageway (Walton Hall Avenue/East Lancs Road) that heads out to the M57 but even they get clogged up with long tail-backs that take ages to clear. BMD has one road running away from it, a single lane in an industrial area that will be absolutely chaotic.
Because the ground has no access/egress on 3 sides it basically means 53000 are emptying out onto 1 fucking road and then a walk of at least a mile before they have any chance of catching a bus. It will be absolute misery in the winter.
Reading one of their foums of late I think the penny is starting to drop for a lot of them. Paying top dollar for ticket’s/food/drink in a freezing cold stadium in the middle of nowhere, the novelty will wear off pretty quick unless they get a team that is challenging at the top end of the table.


Access etc. Should be less of an issue as half of em leave early any way, while others stay behind to boo


I can remember walking down the Walton Breck Road in driving sleet having just lost a game. Results do have a major impact on the enjoyment of the surroundings.

My understanding is that BMD is to be used for the Euro 2028. Was the access not considered during the bid stage?

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I understand that the pitch dimensions for Anfield do not make it feasible to host international matches at but doesn’t the fact that Anfield is well more accessible, has more capacity play a factor as well ?

The pitch dimensions override all other concerns. It’s also why Old Trafford can’t be used (although, the stadium will probably have fallen down by 2028 at the current rate anyway.)


Thinking on with this, having an airport within easy reach of a stadium would surely be a consideration for an international tournament. John Lennon Airport is the other side of the city centre from BMD. I’m assuming that they will have shuttle buses during the games, but the stadium is completely the wrong side of the city.

For a country whose cities are as well connected as England are , that shouldn’t be a factor. And what good are shuttle services to and fro the airport for matches when there’s only one road heading out from the stadium.

I don’t really care whether Liverpool hosts International matches or not. But this probably stops us from hosting a CL final.

And it’s rather stupid to allow us to host one leg of the semifinals and then say that we aren’t allowed to host the finals. It’s not as if the crowd for the semifinals will be massively less than the crowd for the finals.