Interesting Finds on the Net

… Yeah, looks bizarre, but where are the Seagulls… :0)

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what a great little house!! and so cheap, why is it so cheap?

It’s near Anfield and that’s not a desirable place to live in Liverpool. Plus, you may notice that it’s directly next to a pub. In fact, I think it adjoins the pub, and that pub is really busy on match days.

it’s next to a hostel that has a bar downstairs. On Anfield Rd but close to Stanley Park. it actually looks quite nice but I can see it not being suitable for some folks. that’s awfully cheap for a 4bed home though. Maybe the King Harry Hotel will buy it and knock down a wall or two for more rooms.

directly across the road from the Salah mural

Don’t be misled by ‘Hotel’. It’s just a pub. Lots of pubs in the UK are named the something or other hotel, but they’ve never had any paying guests.

Edit: Except for this one so it seems! I daresay the hostel doesn’t have any guests outside of matchdays.

Stones throw from the house :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


40 year old virgin wax GIF

Simas Snežko built a mechanical model of a car out of wood. And it’s not just some pistons moving up and down in a drilled-out block of wood—the model is a V8 with a working transmission, a differential and a clutch.

Did you hear about the fella that built a wooden car?
Wooden chassis,
Wooden wheels,
Wooden body,
Wooden engine…

He turned the key and it ‘wooden’ go.

I’ll see myself out. :crazy_face::nerd_face:


But surely would be more at home in the joke thread

True, but it was too good an opportunity to miss. I’ll copy and paste it to the joke thread.
Thanks. :+1::nerd_face:

Please don’t… :see_no_evil:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1653962653264494593|twgr^3bf0fbd8a90a285b75308c27fd4ed27c2b315e14|twcon^s1_c10&


That’s a difficult paper round. :wink::nerd_face:

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I broke 3 legs just watching it :see_no_evil:

Honestly nothing like the one I was given. Not even close.

I had hoped that clip was going to show something properly challenging. Something like my level below.

Napoleon Dynamite Bike GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

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One minute to ride down that hill… about 8hrs to walk up to the start point :0)

Dont know where else to put this, but saw this comment and thought it interesting

The driving idea behind Zuck’s Metaverse was a response to workers leaving the office and bosses feeling like they still needed to exert control

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