Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

Not only that, but I have a pouring certificate earned by my skills on the day (ok everyone who did the tour got one) stuffed in a drawer somewhere

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They showed me how to put a shamrock shape on the head of the Guiness :+1:

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Great, more beer posts. Better than haircut or handbag though.

Black Sheep Brewery Yorkshire…Mr wilkored08 had 2 pints of Black Sheep…and I had to hold him up and walk back to the hotel…liteweight…oops wrong thread…or am I …

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I remember working in Devon many years ago and heading for my weekend home a local guy at work gave me a plastic gallon container of homemade cider from a local farm… he said it came in three strengths, medium, strong and extra strong and as the container had been taken for a refill many times over the label had well been washed off… he said it wasn’t the extra strong version though he could remember that so it should be ok to drink it without any major hangover concerns…
He did say though once it had been opened, either drink it all on the same day (8pints) or throw the remainder out because of some reason or other… So I remember opening it on the Saturday afternoon… I remember scooping out the solid bits that were floating on the top of my glass… I remember trying to scrape and spoon out the dark treacle like sediment that bombed to the bottom… I remember someone telling me years earlier that real cider makers would throw a rat into the brew to give it some bite… I remember trying to put that thought out of my head as I took my first swallow… I remember saying to myself, wow that this is not bad at all Mmmmm… I remember taking a bigger swallow of about half the glass thinking to myself what was all the fuss about with this cider lark knocking your head off your shoulders… I remember topping the glass up and trying to put a bit of fizz in this rather flatter than flat liquid… I remember lifting the glass to my mouth to take another mouthful… I remember putting the glass back down on the table… After that I remember absolutely nothing until the afternoon of the following day…! My wife said in the evening I spent about 2-3hours trying to step over the couch in an attempt to get to bed… couch, what couch I said… Exactly she replied, we didn’t have a couch…!
Apparently, I was giving all my David Bowie and Bryan Ferry songs the bifters most of the night at the top of my voice, I ate everything that could be eaten from the fridge… But hardly any hangover apart from feeling as rough as a bear’s arse… The worrying thing was, the container was still about 3/4 full… I’d hardly drank more than a pint or so… Lethal stuff…
Needless to stay, stayed away from anymore of that stuff :0)

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do you know if this cider is available to buy?

asking for a friend…

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Exactly this. These players need to play through their form. I can’t imagine we are through the other side by any means, and we could easily put in a stinker against Spurs, but we need to keep attempting to come back after every hit until we are finally the ones landing the hits, consistently. That means playing every available player whenever they can provided the fitness guys agree. Don’t give players a game off for ‘mental rest’. They need to play through this. I think Jurgen pretty much made that statement last night with a full strength team.


“Absolutely Good.” Probably my favourite Jurgenism. :rofl:


been awarded the freedom of Liverpool i hear!


On the offal too


all you need is love, and apple pie moonshine.


:sunglasses: Our manager. I am going to need counselling when he leaves Liverpool.:pleading_face:


Klopp is bigger than the City nevermind the club.


He’s got the freedom of my house if he’s interested, all of my family members will agree. I can safely say that the food and homemade alcohol is infinitely better than in England and Germany and he can alternate between the smallest village in Montenegrin North and the largest city in Serbia. I hope he reads this somehow!


He’s got the freedom of my house too, as long as he keeps his mouth shut and brings some proper beer.

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“Liverpool is music in football”. How can you not adore him?

Life-long contract.

No but some individuals are the club. Klopp is certainly one of them.