Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

I’ve been impressed until now about how Kloppo was dealing with the shitstorm thrown at us since the beginning of the season, but now, some serious signs of pressure are becoming apparent.

I wonder how much time he’ll be able to withhold all of this before he calls it a day, especially if he becomes a target for the media. Until now, he has always managed to avoid getting into negative headlines, but that’s what we might see going forward. The broadcasters and big media won’t forgive him his outbursts against them and will make sure that they punish him for it.

And I don’t expect him to put up too long with that to be fair.


If he walks out, the media will have won.

I don’t think he’ll give them that pleasure. He’s too much of a fighter.


He is too well liked for the media machine to successfully besmirch his name. Even rival fans always communicate how eminent he is. This frustration will calm down; he was goaded today, and there was too much circling in his head, VAR, injuries, today robbery, Milner, Wilder…a few bratties and he’ll be fine.


I just hope this is not the start of the media starting to grind him down,
the media in England love nothing better that chipping away at people,
until they leave their position

that fuckface today on BT, IMO loved getting a reaction from Jurgen the day.

sorry for my bad language…


Send Lijnders out to do a few post match interviews. He has managed the team in the cup, all part of the training, see?

Klopp to get out of the firing line, he’s box office and he should deny them what they want for a bit.


Yes, you should be. Fuckface is letting him go off easily. Need some @Scott.Jones to make this right.


Not sure about that. He’s a fighter, yes, but within a sporting background. If that background becomes one of personal insults, besmirching and always trying to guide him into traps, also with fellow managers starting to attack him, he’ll call it a day rather sooner than later I think. He simply doesn’t need to do that to himself.

We saw that happen with Rafa, who was our last quality gaffer before Klopp. They destroyed him completely.

Thank God, Klopp has won the league and the CL already, his quality can’t really be disputed anymore at this point. So, he can allow himself to laugh at these idiots if they say stupid things. That would probably be a better way to go down for him, rather than taking them seriously and descending into heated arguments with them.


That Piers Morgan mini-me prick Kelly, was armed to the teeth with counter defence questions knowing full well that catching Jurgen two minutes after us being turned over by VAR again, the ideal stage and mood would be set…

Jurgen needs to remember that he has a far superior intelligence level to these pundit pricks…
Someone have a ciggy and bottle of beer ready for Jurgen next time a game immediately finishes… Make sure he catches his breathe before being ambushed by the pundit numpties.
John Henry needs to make an appearance me thinks… throw the whole weight of LFC at these ar****s… before they spoil the entire sport


Everyone on here knows my position on the authorities (football and general), referees, the media, and indeed regarding this country.

I believe there is a deep rooted bias and prejudice in all of the aforementioned towards Liverpool as a city, and in particular towards LFC.

I believe this goes further here than one sees in other countries, and for me it is what singles out this country as one of the vilest places on the planet.

The country is Manchester and London focused, and the nonentity places like the Midlands join in.

Whilst this is mostly bias, prejudice and jealousy based, in some cases there is corruption at play, with some referees almost certainly on the payroll of benefactor owned clubs.

Whilst the general hysteria in the spring about the prospect of us winning the league, and the clamour for the season to be cancelled, was one thing, that Klopp stood up for a noble cause, like career wrecking schedules, and yet is targeted in this way, is more of an indication of what I have cited. This is because one can understand the vested interest of the spring, but not adversion to someone calling out the broader implications of this ridiculous schedule on top clubs and player welfare. Unless of course there is a bigger issue for those who would back him if he said this if he was manager of another club, that being to try and get him out of LFC.

Call me paranoid, but we suffer from poor refereeing and inconsistent VAR. Even if the decisions yesterday were technically correct, we are always penalised for exact same incidents that others (like United) are not.

This is made possible because traitors like Carragher and McManaman, and the media more generally, back decisions in our case, but overlook VAR and refereeing mistakes made in United, City and London club matches (or certainly don’t go on about them to the same extent as when we occasionally benefit).

IMO the TV companies deliberately manage our schedule to disadvantage us and - in my opinion - are trying to cause injury to our players to disadvantage us.

Above all, they are trying to get Klopp to become so pissed off that he will walk.

Our club may happen to participate in a corrupt sport in a corrupt country populated by large swathes of utter wankers, but I do hope that Klopp realises why this is happening, and stays with us to fight it.


You aren’t.

We had the discussion on the old forum; some of us believe that LFC and the city in general, as you say, are targeted by the establishment but others don’t.

Let’s leave it there before we descend into civil war.


I wonder how much more we have to take before the owner speaks up?


The last few press conference appearances got me really worried about his well being he looks drawn and unhappy with life. Gone are the loud laughs at stupid questions and the broad smile regardless at the person asking the question. As someone else suggested he should take a sabbatical on those appearances and send Pep or a player to bat off questions with either a yes a no or a “I have no opinion on the matter”, until things die down a bit.


Our club may happen to participate in a corrupt sport in a corrupt country populated by large swathes of utter wankers, but I do hope that Klopp realises why this is happening, and stays with us to fight it.

Think Jurgen may well be more aware of the bias directed against Liverpool as a city, and therefore to some extent against scouser’s in general. Maybe he realised the only way to break the 30yr duck of winning the premiership, was to get in front of the pack with an unassailable lead and stay there for the entire season. Which as it happened, we did.!
Keeping the teams closely huddled this campaign may also be a hidden agenda in some dark and gloomy office within premier league headquarters. We will soon find out come the Christmas and New Year programme fixtures to establish how many times we get turned over unfairly eh.
The same agenda was probably on the table the season before we won it. Otherwise, how did Vincent Kompany only get away with a yellow card instead of a red for his two footed ‘drop kick’ lunge on Mo…!


I get the irony in this coming from me, but we are clearly overthinking aspects of the problems Klopp is facing right now. He isnt going to walk because of a myriad of stressors nor is there a conspiracy to have him leave the Prem; he is good for the Prem. Its just a shit storm from covid, injuries, VAR and the power the broadcasters and the FA have over clubs, creating a sense of perfect storm.


He’s made his point and he needs to leave it now. I don’t like to see him like this. I can understand his frustration but if you keep going on about it there’s a danger you create a negative energy around the club. That might have already happened.

The guy has nothing to prove here. If this season goes tits up then so be it. So what? He’s a fucking legend. Best manager in the world by a mile but he can’t manage a team effectively if he runs out of players. Just do your best and shrug your shoulders if it doesnt turn out as you hope. This season was always going to be difficult and we were always going to need a bit of luck to get through it. So far we’ve had none but there’s nothing he can do about that. He just needs to take a step back with the media and stop spilling out his frustration. Serves no purpose other than to encourage them to get on his back even more.


And don’t forget the non-penalty at home to Leicester when Baby was fouled. :rage:


This season was always going to be difficult and we were always going to need a bit of luck to get through it. So far we’ve had none but there’s nothing he can do about that. He just needs to take a step back with the media and stop spilling out his frustration. Serves no purpose other than to encourage them to get on his back even more.
Think Jurgen is driving his point home at this juncture of the season, so it gains traction when the CL knock-out stages arrive.
What better way than to shovel this pile of shit of Wednesday - Saturday Morning Kick-Offs back onto the heads of United, Chelsea and Cheaters…
As he said quite eloquently with That Piers Morgan mini-me Kelly…
“who else has played this number of Wed/Sat early Kick-offs, no-one”.!


I think the outburst, and it should be an outburst since there’s no other way to address such outrages, should have come from the owners/management. After all, it’s the management who deals with PL & TV and not the managers. And the owner/management are well aware how this ridiculous schedule affects the wellbeing of their assets (players) and RoI (trophies).

I think the owner/management should give a statement without delay. That would not only take the focus away from Klopp but also shift the focus back to the atrocity of the TV channels.

Come to think of it, very rarely I have seen the owners (all clubs) making a statement regarding the running of the game.


Yeah, well written. The key is to maintain positive energy within the squad, that’s what he has been so good at until now. The moment negative spirit trickles down from the manager to the players, they might start feel sorry for themselves, and their performance levels will inevitably drop down. Dangerous stuff.


Jürgen’s always had these moments, had them in Germany as well, combination of frustration, disappointment and twattish journos. He’ll get over it, I’m not too worried about that tbh.
If anything I’m more worried that the Corona situation might be getting to him, as someone who seems to feed off energy and atmosphere.