Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

My guess is we have the money for the right players, but either they aren’t available, or the alternatives are at dumb prices.

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This is my interpretation of what Klopp was saying/was trying to say.

We have money (let’s say 30-40 mil), but not enough to buy a midfielder of our level. More importantly, the available money will buy only some average (let’s say 15-20 mil rated) midfielder. Another way of putting that is we don’t have money like Cheaty to splash 100 mil for a good midfielder.

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Does anyone know the name of the ‘journalist’ that asked Klopp the question?
I think Klopp says Carl at the beginning of his answer.

That’s one reading. The other is the right players aren’t available

Could be a bit from column a and a bit from column b. Player sort of available, but can’t be done at a reasonable valuation.

Or it might be that Klopp knows he can’t say ‘yeah, we’ve got £250m burning a hole in our pockets, cos that an extra £20m on the price of anyone we do want to do.

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I really don’t think it does.

Good old Carl Markham, why we constantly let people like him and Vinny O’Connor lead press at the club is our own fault tbh.

They lead the press? No wonder teams are walking through our midfield…

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I don’t think there’s much to interpret.

But some are acting like we didn’t just buy Gakpo.

As others have said before, if you’re desperate for a midfielder and don’t have much money to go around, you don’t go and buy Gakpo.

What seems much more likely to me is that the player(s) we want aren’t available until the summer and there’s no point buying x player for £30m now and then not having enough in the summer to buy players y and z.


thank you. at least someone’s listening. he’s been saying this for years.

Tunnel vision?

Shame on FSG the money they have already made from buying our club, Clubs that never played in the Champions league can spend more than us and then we have all the fans that except mediocrity moaning about the fans who want us to spend more and stay competing at the top.
Shame Shame Shame.



Otherwise fully agree.

We are the 4th highest club in the world for turnover/revenue behind Madrid Utd and Barca.

Tbf the journo’s probably asking the same questions we’re all asking here. And judging by comments we’re none the wiser after Klopp’s words today. It’s probably frustrating for him because he can’t say what he really feels to the press.

He’s not gonna say we’ve loads of money available for obvious reasons, or if we’re in talks with someone. On the other hand if he’s pissed off with owners/staff (for the sale, lack of funds, people leaving, injuries etc) he’s not the kind of person to make that public either

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That’s the frustration, it’s the same daft questions all the time, as if football was so reductionist that all you need is transfers transfers transfers.

For the FIFA generation, that’s what football is. Every season clear all your lads out and buy all the new hipster ones.

That would be OK if they kept it in the game, but the problem is that they want real life to work like this too.

Yes. That’s what he said.

He also said “I don’t think it will happen”. So there’s still a chance then!

I think Klopp is more frustrated that journalists have nothing to ask except are you buying more players every single time. When we do well, oh are you buying players to strengthen? When we do shit, oh are you buying players to replace? That’s why he asked did you come all the way here just to ask the question thst he has always said that you don’t always go into the transfer market for every single problem especially injuries.


This sounds naive if not downright disingenuous from Klopp. Even for the casual observer, it must not have been hard to imagine what the effect of the record number of games would be combined with the shortened preseason and an Asian tour. The reported infighting between the medical department and the management team and Moxon’s precipitated departure might also indicate that the club was anything but unaware of the implications.

In any case, the way it was handled has been deeply disappointing from everyone involved.

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The main thing for me is that I want to see Klopp smiling again. Right now he looks like he has the weight of the world in his shoulders. It’s part of why we love him. He is a real human being.

Lots of reasons for why we are in a funk this season. My hope is that Klopp feels the love of fans and something starts to spark for the players.

It has been a dog turn of a season, but top four isn’t too far away, and we still have the CL and an FA Cup replay coming up.

This season’s setback makes me love the reds all the more. Following this team is not unlike our lives. There will be setbacks.

But we walk on with hope in our hearts.

Top man Jurgen, we are with you.



Been thinking similar myself. When Klopp first arrived and for a while thereafter, we played with the personality he brought from Dortmund. Heavy Metal Football. Outrunning opponents. Pressing quickly to win the ball back. We did not have the players, but we were immediately competitive. Went to the Europa Final on that style.

I don’t see any of it now. Seems to me maybe Klopp’s style and maybe even his personality have evolved. Should go back to those basics.