Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

I’m not referring to Henderson specifically, it’s language that I’ve heard and seen players use often.

the disrespect shown at a professional level to match officials trickles down to what the amateur kids are watching on TV on a Saturday morning.

forget what we as adults are exposed to, it’s the lowest common denominator whose attitudes we are trying to change. young kids are emulating the behavior of their idols and it’s starting to show. some of them lack an attitude of respect to referees and even their own parents.

For me it doesn’t even boil down to young kids emulating their idols…Take Bruno Fernandes for example, for all we know he couldv’e idolised Luis Figo & been the biggest Figo fanboy as a kid, a very respectable figure on the pitch.

Once you reach adult status it’s no one’s responsibility but your own to behave the way is deemed appropriate.

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This is different than using the words “fuck off” in the way i have seen it mostly used in football.
Stuff said as a way of showing disbelief is not really directed at the officials to show disrespect.

You could look a ref in the eye and call him a cheat,is this any less insulting or disrespectful than calling him a fucking cheat?I don’t think so.

By calling the ref a cheat the intention is there to hit out at the ref,by saying fuck off when a decision goes against you is not,imo.

if you really believe that, then you’ve absolved the parents of all responsibility for the raising of their child and that doesn’t serve the child well, AT ALL.

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Absolutely I believe that.

As a parent you raise your 2 children, you teach them the rights and the wrongs in life…tell them a bit about your life transitioning from a child to an adult…the 2 children fly through primary and secondary school obtaining exemplary grades to go on and do what they want to do…no detentions for disrupting in class, no detentions for failing to hand your homework in on time, no exclusions for getting into fights or arguments with teachers all the meanwhile you’ve kept a roof over their heads, put food on the table for them and maybe even sang them a lullaby the odd night…gone on family holidays and all that stuff.

You’ve done everything that’s required from you as a parent.

The 2 children turn 18 and decide they want to make it late as a pro footballer, not even pro footballer let’s say Sunday league…straight away they get a feel what the sport entails, they see team mates or their captain arguing with officials or coaches arguing amongst one another f’in and blindin’ and from that point they either choose to follow through with that or take a stand of their own…entirely up to them.

Absolutely I’d absolve the parents of responsibility. Maybe as a parent yourself you’d think “what have I done so wrong for you to be this way” but the reality is players know what they do is wrong, yet they do it anyway.

but their influences start at a young age. Of course it’s okay to expose them to watching (ugh) Man United swarming the ref and falling down like they’ve been shot, as long as they’re told under context that we aren’t little kids having a tantrum about getting our way ;). And that I’m NOT okay with him giving shit to the linesman/women or the referee.

They are there to do the best they can and they will make mistakes. it’s not personal. But that guy who clips at your ankles to trip you every time you go past him with the ball? for sure, you’ve gotta go through him on a tackle because if you don’t… It’ll keep happening.

I would grin at it.

Can’t take this shit personally. If someone is making threats usually team mates will take them away.

Mind you we can orange card a player at Amatuer level. Effectively a sin Bin which avoids giving some heated guy a time out. Works mostly.

Klopp charged by FA for comments made after game on sunday


The fan has been hit.

@RedSeven beat me to it.

Hopefully it means we don’t see Tiernay for a while he has done two games of ours in the last 5 that’s just odd.

Omg! Any chance he can get out of jail free!

He doesn’t care.

To the FA and PGMOL, :fu:

Were there any notable issues with him in the other game he reffed us in?

Only problem with that is we get another incompetent halfwit in his place and end up swiftly back at square 1. Hooooray!

If you tell the referee to ‘fuck off’, you are only using two words…
If you tell the referee to ‘go away in short jerky movements’ you have to use six words…
In what universe, is it the done thing to use six words, when two will do :0)

There’s a Billy Connolly sketch on that

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Pep Ljinders gets a chance to manage again.

I’d love to see Klopp walk into a meeting to defend himself armed with a video showing everything this idiot ref has cost us with all his bad decisions. Just show them the video and ask them how anyone can make this many genuine mistakes that has cost us so much over the years. He’ll have to admit to being incompetent or biased. They may give Klopp a slightly bigger fine or a few extra matches banned but it may well be worth it if we can keep this ref away from our games.

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He may as well take his case to the Kremlin! The FA are as corrupt as they are.