Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend



Link Press conference


I had not long walked past the end of his road when my phone started pinging.

They say no-one is indispensible and that’s true but he must be damn close…


Spot on with everything there.

Watched it right through and I’ve no doubt Jurgen just wants to live a normal life for a bit. I think most people reach a stage in life where they decide enough is enough on the work front regardless of what they do or how much they get paid. there’s nothing to read between the lines when he says he wants to live a normal life before it’s too late.

I’ve said for years my biggest hope is Jurgen will call out all the cheating cunts and expose them for what they are when he decides to go. I was hoping like everyone else that day was still a couple of years down the line but it’s arrived now and I just fucking hope he does exactly that. For a manager of his quality and calibre, a manager who built, legitimately, the greatest club side this country has ever seen, to have only 1 PL title to his name because of the cheating and corruption that infests the game in this country is fucking abhorrent.

In the hierarchy of our great managers Jurgen is right up there with Bill, Bob, Rafa and Kenny.


It’s upto the lads to make this the greatest fucking season in Liverpool’s premier league history.

Do it for Jurgen.


Apparently after the video Klopp confided that the real reason for his decision was being fed up with being stalked by ‘that Rambler bloke’.
‘He’s always walking around at the end of my road. Drives me fookin nuts!’.


I am not sure if the next guy coming in can turn the potential of this side into something more substantial…

I really hope so. But also they’ll need to contain the emotion. Remember how the wheels fell off in 2013 when it got too much for team and fans alike

We’ve come so far in such a short time, and during a time when the biggest sporting scandal in history has been playing out against us, it beggars belief. Nobody else could have done what he’s done. He is the best. I feel sick today :frowning:


The way you got the news helped tho

best thing to do today is stay off twitter


Yeah my wife may be football allergic but she is amazing!

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I’m sad also because he won’t lead this team into a champions league campaign… we were so spoilt.


Jürgen Klopp, undoubtedly the greatest manager of our club since I was born. He will remain in legendary tales of our club for decades and maybe centuries - on par with Shankly and Paisley, dare I say.

feel really sad today. I thought, as most of us did, he will see out his contract. Gutted that Pep and other staff members are leaving too. But all I can do now is respect his decision and wish him luck.

It would be fitting of him to bid farewell with the league title and manage his last Liverpool match in May in a final.


Of course this was inevitable one day. The one manager that could out smart the corrupt and bottomless money clubs. Should have more trophies to his name but for the said corruptness.

The team will give it’s all over the next few months. Plus all the support. Going to a bittersweet season. All eyes on Sunday. Anfield will be in full voice.

He also leaves on his own terms. All the ingredients are there for the next manager to succeed.


I do hope that the cheating scums in City are found guilty , their titles stripped and Jurgen gets those titles to his name as well.

Will be the second best going away present.


How can he fucking leave? The posts (TiA forum) when rumors about him joining started are still fresh. There was this post of Klopp swinging in his kids swing and the poster wrote, how can you not love having this guy.


Yes, but we have no reason to get a temporary manager in. That’s an absurd idea. A temporary manager is like Rodgers in 2015-16, waiting until your candidate becomes available.

We need someone to continue the good work, not act as a stand-in for nothing.


Hasn’t he already done the Norwich pre-match press conference?

Personally I’m glad about that bit - certainly wrt to Pep - I’m less sure about the others.

Jürgen Klopp: Special Press Conference from the AXA Training Centre.