Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

Whatever happened to Isaac? Hope for a reunion before the end of the season…

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“The only annoying part is you.”

Perfect :joy:

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:heart:felt! :face_holding_back_tears::smiling_face_with_tear:


Konate is right, the fans have to play their part, in helping the team. Don’t just sit back in your seats, make some bloody noise.


Yep. Jurgen shared his news. The fans had a first reaction against Norwich - which was won at a canter while Jurgen’s name was sung.

Now it’s down to business. Chelsea are a very tough opponent. They have been really difficult for us to break down, as all the draws show.

If the players feel the Anfield Noise (love it!) it could well be the difference in a tight game, which by the end of the season, might just add up to something spectacular to send Jurgen off with.

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Speaking about the new documentary series, Klopp said: “With this being my final season I thought we should provide a rare opportunity for viewers to have more of an inside look at what makes this club so special: its people, from our fans to our players and those who work so hard behind the scenes, constantly in pursuit of success for Liverpool Football Club.

“Klopp vetoed the approach from the Amazon All Or Nothing team as he believes there is nothing to be gained from fly-on-the-wall exposure and that people’s behaviour changes when they are on camera”.

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“Klopp was asked if he’ll allow for an 'All or Nothing” video to be done about Liverpool and he said he would leave the club if that happens."



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Thing is even in the last 8 years our media output has got more exploring.

As long as it doesn’t impact the team on its goals it will be a nice reminder.

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Hopefully it’s at least a better watch than that Being Liverpool embarrassment from 2012…

We’ve gone full circle.


I will be watching to just to see if Jurgen trolls by having a big portrait of Brendan in his house

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There’s something so soothing about Klopp saying ‘don’t worry,’ and then to look right into the camera and say it again.

He just makes everything feel better.


This. Assumption is that the same LFC media guys who do all the current social media content are also taking the doco footage.

Should we rename it the Klopp Kop?

Klopp Training Center. because his influence is mainly there, on the players.


theres something exciting happening here Jurgen,

a new midfield, great young players coming through, a new spring in our step,

the future is very bright,

you sure you want to walk away from this?




Different eras, innit. Leagues used to be much more level and could be won with 75 points. Even under Dalglish, Liverpool won a title where they were I think twelfth on boxing day. Impossible to recover like that now.

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