Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

Yes, maybe this does explain Jurgen’s somewhat subdued and prickly mood of late. I empathise as I, like many others here and elsewhere, have been in the same situation in the past tweleve months. It really pisses you off when you can’t even go home for the funeral.

Kinn hoch Jurgen.


… and we didn’t get a hint of it on TAN. Dissaoppointed with our community on this one.

I can not image how awful it must be to loose your mother, I would be devastaed.


I want to give the gaffer a massive hug. He needs it.


Yes and using it as a petty point scoring opportunity is pretty low.

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This rumour has been circulating for a while now as being an explanation for his behaviour and general demeanour. So sad to have it confirmed today, but it really does explain a lot. We all just need to take a step back. Shankly was wrong, football is not more important than life and death.


Condolences to Jurgen and his Family. No wonder he has looked down in the last couple of weeks. Let’s hope that the lads can get a result to cheer him up at the weekend.


Sorry to hear this news, and then the sadness is compounded by the travel restriction, so no funeral attendance, but a commitment to do an appropriate celebration of life/memorial when the times allow. Jurgen has a strong Christian faith and will also lean on that through this time.

One of the sad parts of the situation is that Anfield is at its best at moments like this. Klopp should be feeling the love from the masses, and I could easily imagine a special Anfield tribute, in the unique way we have, and that would be a healing and affirming moment for him.

RIP Mrs Klopp.

And boss, YNWA.


RIP Mrs Klopp
Thinking of Jurgen today :pensive:


Oh no, what devastating news for Jurgen and his family :broken_heart:. How he managed to hold it together and get through all those pre match and post match press conferences and those sarky questions by those Sky pundits is beyond me. Judging Jurgen that he was too prickly or lost the plot, but it never occurs to the pundits what might be going on in one’s personal family life.
The harsh criticism by some of our own supporters was horrendous. I would have broken down. When the Burnley match happened, Jurgen’s mum had just passed away only 2 days before.

It must so heart-breaking being the only son and Jurgen could not say goodbye and do the last rites for his mum. It is so terrible that Jurgen was unable to attend his mum’s funeral. Covid has wrecked so many people’s lives.
My condolences and prayers to Jurgen and his family. RIP Mama Elizabeth Klopp. A truly remarkable lady and an amazing mother who nurtured such a wonderful and big hearted son.

I watched a German interview with Mrs Elisabeth Klopp. She seemed such a lovely, bubbly, warm hearted and cuddly lady and a proud mum of her famous son.

We all have to send the gaffer a massive hug. YNWA.


Only people who have been through it really understand what it feels like to lose someone they love.

My heart goes out to Jurgen, it really does.


I hope that these journalists feel really shitty right now after hearing this news.

My thoughts and prayers are with Jurgen and his family at this sad time.



Dreadful experience for anybody to have to go through. It was very obvious something was not right with Jurgen for a while now.


What an awful development. Amazing that he has kept it together the last three weeks to the point where the news didn’t break until this week. I’d noticed he was a little spiky but gave him the benefit of the doubt — contrary to popular belief, he has been more-than-magnanimous in defeat during his tenure with us, so the idea that he is a “bad loser” is just lazy. That said, it all makes a bit more sense now. My thoughts are with him and his family. He has been a great source of strength for many of us, particularly in the last 12 months. Now we need to be there for him. YNWA :red_circle:


That’s a great idea. Here is the direct link for those who want to reach out to Jürgen:



Thanks for this Hope,
This would be a lovely gesture from all of us. I will share this with others.


Cheers hope.

I’ve left my one.


The link is in the tweet I posted.


Thanks for the link Kopstar and Hope. :+1:

Have posted mine


You’re welcome :+1: