Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

If someone said to me that Klopp needs to leave I think I might die of a heart attack or even worst just freeze up for the rest of my life.



Are you sure they are Liverpool supporters and not troll from rival clubs?


I would stick fingers in my ears and say 'la, la, la" not listening and tell them to go and do one.


100% trolls, how can a Liverpool fan want him gone after winning the CL after 15 years and the PL after 30 years.


Just do it Jurgen…just do it.


Can our Pep take over interview duties, just give Jurgen a bit of a break…


I’m really worried about him walking at the end of the season. I would if I were him. Take a year off. Stevie is not ready in my opinion and Pep Lijnders had a disaster at his previous club.


Yeah, me too. I doubt if he would as he’d probably think that he would be letting everyone down, but it is a scenario that’s passed through my mind. It really is a nightmae scenario, though. The team would fall apart if he left.


Yeah I’m just not sure who could come in and find that connection with the fans. Stevie and that’s it on a connection basis. That’s if Stevie could even take us forward or keep us at the top. Jürgen really a one in every 50 years type of manager. Will be more heartbroken if/when he eventually leaves than any player during my supporting lifetime.


Why would it have to be 1 of those 2 though?

Peter Krawietz has been with Klopp since his days at Mainz, and is Assistant Manager, so would have as much right to be interested in the job as Gerrard or Pep.


Are we seriously discussing about Klopp’s succession??? Seriously!!!


It does make you wonder, doesn’t it. Perhaps they should give their collective heads a wobble.

Given our run of bad luck with injuries and dubious refereeing, I don’t think any manager in the world could have done better than the boss.

He has brought us so much, we all should be prepared to cut him more than a little slack, and get behind the man.


Wobble will do shit if you have shit inside. :nerd_face:

People just doesn’t take a minute to consider that Klopp has been managing for 20 years. During this time he has taken three clubs to a level far higher than those clubs used to be. He gave the world around a dozen superstars from what was unrecognizable, raw talents. Without Klopp during his formative years there wouldn’t be a Godly Gündoğan people are going ga-ga at the moment.


Kenny needs to put his arm around him (figuratively, we don’t want to break any rules!). He’s the one person that has felt a heavier burden of guiding this club through a time of crisis. If it means giving Klopp some compassionate leave for a few games, so be it. Get Kenny and him talking to each other, leaning on each other (again, figuratively!)…I can think of no better person to support Jurgen during this time.


I tend to stay away from this thread because I don’t think that my words can do him justice but… To anyone ever doubting him, have a look at this.

I truly hope that it’s the fanbases of other clubs that are trolling Liverpool by posing as Liverpool fans and asking for Klopp’s dismissal on social media. (I know I hoped Ferguson would quit Man United much earlier than he did.) If not, I don’t even have pity those feeble souls. These are the kind of people who racially abuse players when their team doesn’t win a game.

That Champions League and Premier League and Club World Cup don’t mean a thing to some people, though… I can’t get my head around that. What the club is going through this season is what it went through for the majority of past thirty years, only amplified 100 times because every bit of emotion has been amplified since he arrived. Even his personal tragedy aside - and he’s not the only club legend to lose a parent while he was managing the club - he deserves every bit of time, patience and respect. My heart has sunk so low seeing him having to defend himself after he rebuilt the club from ground up, and literally! The man didn’t just bring back the trophies, he brought back the dignity, the status, the legend that Liverpool FC used to be. He is as much of a brick in that building as Shankly, Paisley, Kenny, Gerard, Rafa… And maybe it will only get worse from now but I’ll stick with him through thick and thin. I loved his Europa League run almost as much as anything else he’s achieved so far anyway and it’s not like I’m used to Liverpool fighting for the title every season.

I know I would hate it if he was a manager of another Premier League club. Fucking hell, I can’t imagine him coaching another club in this galaxy after Liverpool, that’s how jealous and envious and plainly miserable I would be. This guy has brought me more happiness in football, more than even Rafa, and I know I’m not the only one, there were millions of Liverpool fans who knew what the Premier League trophy looked like only because they watched Manchester or London clubs routinely lift it year after year. He doesn’t have to defend himself to anyone. We are where we are because of him. I respect the owners, I love the players and his coaching staff but we are giants again because of him. We are falling harder because he made us bigger, bigger than ever. We can afford to be brought back to the ground, I expected that, nothing comes easy to this club anyway. Majority of us “badweather supporters” now know the fair weather because of him.


Well said mate! :+1:t2:


Good one @Nicola cheers


That’s a genuinely beautiful interview. He always finds the right words to say. In 30 years time when we’re stuck with another Roy Hodgson we’ll be telling our kids and grandkids about Klopp


Darn it that’s twice in the space of week I’m agreeing with you.

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