Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

Can we please freeze the discussions of what will happen in the summer to Jurgen and what are our options after this excellent post from @Nikola . Hope this is an eye opener for ones who are still having some doubts.

The only thing we should be discussing is how we get back to our perch again in the summer, and not who will be our options come June. The one thing I can bet my life on …is that our beloved manager is not a quitter.

My only concern is he looks really broken within , the loss of a loved one especially a parent is irreplaceable and media like wolves is constantly picking up bit n bobs and trying to provoke or work him up, basically taking alot of his energy. I would really wish somehow these pre match or post match conferences could be stopped for sometime.


To be fair from that interview he doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.

Thing is he gets the situation we are in, it’s crazy and with Covid it’s even worse, his celebration after the goal against Leicester was passion, he needs the fans back, he also needs to be able to grieve and he also needs a squad team that gives him options rather than the best 11 he has to choose from going out week after week.

That bench is threadbare in some weeks.


Did anyone see his reaction to Leicester’s second goal on the weekend after the VAR decision?

It was a laugh along the lines of "of course it wasn’t offside.


Well said Nik, an inspiring post.


ive just had a mad idea…wont happen…but give Jurgen the week off after the derby and let Kenny run the joint.

so many things wrong about that, i know, but i like the sentiment…


Great pic @DerryRed :+1:



Hear hear! Well written Nikola!


so did he say this ‘god is a mancity fan’ stuff or not?

only one place seems to be saying it (365) and they keep going on about it…

Bild saying he is 68% likely to leave next season, sports journalism really is shite isn’t it.


Now that’s a very specific number


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Well apparently he is 30% he will stay, I assume the 2% covers if a comet hits the world or a nuclear war.


Will now have to cope without his captain until next May, as if things weren’t already bad enough…


Anyone seen this? Brilliant discussion


Asked before, does anyone know if this god/man city malarkey is legit?

Looks like a proper fake news hatchet job?

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It’s been reported in several places though. Although not the likes of the Echo, Athletic, BBC etc.


Probably needs to be clarified can’t let the gaffers name be dragged through the mud

Or not

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Love klopp but if he said it it’s a fairly shit thing to say

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The people who fabricated those quotes obviously thought so too.


So that’s a confirmation he didn’t say it or just a guess

It’s surely a fairly big news story if he didn’t say it…surely the club -notJurgen- should be saying something?

Or am I overthinking it?

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What did he say? Or not?

Edit: got it, saw your post higher up.

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