Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

:joy: :rofl: :rofl:
Jurgen is probably thinking " i can’t believe it, we were this crap!!


Jürgen is a football romantic / traditionalist and it will be very interesting to hear his first comments on the Super League stuff tomorrow before or after the game.

Wouldn’t surprise me if he leaves the club a year earlier than his contract expires.


I swear I did not see the tweet by Pearce before I made the post above.

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I also get the feeling Jurgen would definitely not approve of this ESL in private, but he will be diplomatic in public. I would not be grudge him, if he left earlier expected.


ie he will lie.

Just tell the truth, Jürgen. That it’s a load of bollocks.


he cant really, can he?

i mean, aside from having a job at LFC, he probably doesnt know all the facts and theres heaps to play out yet.

i hope, and i think, he’ll just come out with the old ‘wait and see the final proposal’ flat bat, straight back down the crease response.


I also highly doubt that this news has come completely out the blue to him and the managers of the other clubs. They should not be answering the questions by any means but surely nobody is thinking Jurgen got up this morning and saw the news while sat on the loo?

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But Jürgen could you please lie about being in close contact with the biggest club not in the dirty dozen. … and of course he is.

dunno, normally id agree…but theres not even been a whiff of a rumour…this one might have actually been locked tight

I’d quit aswell if I were him. Year out for him needed

I also expect him to leave by now. There’s simply no fun anymore to be LFC manager at this point. Too many things happening which are totally against what he believes in, and what he usually strives on.


i’d be dissappointed in him if he left

leaving the death of his Mum to the side because its a personal issue and everyone deals with this differently (some people would bury themselves in work)

the only thing thats really happened out of his control or out of the realms of the game of football is the club have made a club based decision to enter a competition he doesnt agree with on an idealogical level.

the injuries, the form, the lack of passion are all part of football management (however extreme they are…they are still part of the game)

every club has had to deal with no fans, whether that affects us more is not the point, its not something hes had to deal with whilst others havent

the pandamic affects everyone…if anything it should inspire the playing department to give thier fans they profess to love so much something to cling to in these times

the decisions…again, as suspicious as we are with motivations behind some divisions, it doesnt change for the club if Klopp is no longer here.


Terrible showing tonight, god I want this season to end… He’s really not performing currently.

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Excellent first half but ran out of steam in the second a game where Henderson is so badly missed.

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may have managed it wrong, but smashing it out the park regarding his post match presser.

hang in there boss…i know youll get it right


Why do so many think Klopp leaves at the first sign of trouble? He’s no coward.


And as if by magic:

“If times get tougher, that makes me even more…sticky…that I stay here…”.

“…if there’s a problem I’ll try to sort it”.


“Thrown under the bus” is right! FSG appear to be the driving force behind this deal, but they’ve allowed us to become the poster boys for it by announcing it last night when the other cunts had already all played. No way should the team have had to walk into that reception today. It’s fucking disgraceful. Leeds and their manager can go and get fucked too.