Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

I don’t think anybody thinks he’s a coward but FSG have fucked him over today and he’s only human. They fed him and the team to the wolves, the reception they received tonight at Leeds was a disgrace. FSG caused that and I think if Klopp doesn’t get the answers he wants from John Henry, then the unthinkable will happen, he’ll walk. I can’t say I’d blame him either.


I disagree, I actually feel more confident of him staying after listening to him speak after tonight’s game. He came out fighting.


Carra is saying, if FSG drive Klopp out in the next 12 months, the owners won’t last week, if the supporters have anything to do with it.


He’s talking about what are now known as ‘legacy supporters’ though, who don’t really figure on the spreadsheets.

There is zero point zero chance FSG ask The Boss to leave. They are managing a brand, Liverpool Football Club is a global brand, and Jürgen Klopp is every bit a part of this brand and identity as ANYTHING associated with the club. On top of that he makes chicken salad out of chicken shit in terms of personnel and budget.

He’s as valuable as gold to FSG. No chance hey sack him. Ever.

Klopp isn’t resigning. He said he ‘feels responsibility’ for the club. He’s not going to walk away because something goes against his principles. I think he’ll stay and fight it. And he can win that fight as he has more power than any other football manager in the world due to his connection with the fans and his sheer presence

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The backlash from the wider footballing community probably strengthens the hand of UEFA and other governing bodies, and I’m not altogether sure I like that outcome either. They have shown themselves to be corrupt and unable to enforce their own rules.

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Watching those videos…fuck I love our manager

Could we be in better hands, chin up people we’ll get through this

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Not which thread to put this in, but move it where necessary.


Klopp yesterday night: “If you thought, what could make the year worse? All that happened, the pandemic, all the injuries, other stuff and then that came up. Another challenge… but we’ll get through somehow.”

Indeed. Except that this time, it’s the club owners who put this added misery on his head. I feel honestly sorry for him, and hope that he’ll be able to pull through, with the help of his staff and the players. But when the unity within a club breaks up, then it usually ends up in tears…

In my opinion, fsg can only withdraw from this whole senseless project, make their excuses to the fans, to Klopp and to the squad, and start again from there. Any other attitude will lead to fractures within the club I’m afraid.


I feel for him. I honestly don’t know how can he even fight all of this. Every fucking thing had to happen during his time here… injuries, covid, no fans, VAR debacles, and now this. Absolutely gutted with that.

This period was supposed to be our golden period and was hoping after how it started and the CL and PL wins finally it was time for us to smile and enjoy this era of football. On the contrary, football is becoming a parody of itself and the whole of last year has broken so much I liked about football.


Yeah I actually was hopeful last week of a title battle next season and was looking forward to it, now I don’t even know what our club will be and whether I’ll care enough.


Jürgen Klopp will never forget how he has been treated these past 48 hours. While he has had his honour and his sincerity questioned live on national television for perceived complicity in the European Super League, FSG have sat silently in their Boston lair, saying nothing until universal outrage compelled them to abandon their plot. And even then, their volte face lacked any semblance of contrition or grace. The fiercest protests by their fans were characterised as “representations by key stakeholders”. - [Oliver Brown, The Telegraph]


I think shit like this is utter rubbish. Klopp is a man of honour if Henry has apologised to him personally I think he moves on.


Klopp respects the owners, which is why he publicly backed them to do the right thing - giving them both the space to reconsider as well as the push to do so. Another Klopp masterclass.


Agree. He probably helped them to see the error of their ways, resulting in Henry’s apology this morning. The words were perfect, whether he meant them or not


He’s brilliant. I’m dreading his departure. I don’t think we’ll find another one like him in my lifetime.


Yeah brought up hearing about Shanks and Paisley, but my memory only goes back to Souness. I don’t think any team will have a manager like him in our lifetimes…or at least one that is such a perfect fit for a city/club


Yeah, he’s the absolute perfect fit for LFC in this era. He’s able to combine a genuine belief in traditional football values with using all the most modern equipments, tactics, tools etc. He’s a ‘popular’ character who likes to have fun, drink a beer, sing songs, on the left of the political spectrum despite of the insane money he earns. But he’s also a ruthless competitor and winner, and his passion for football knows no limits. Most importantly, he doesn’t ‘play games’. He tells things like he sees them, and when he commits a mistake, he holds his hands up and freely admits it.

All these aspects can but be very endearing for any Liverpool supporter, but also for anyone else getting in touch with him, first of all the players, but also the owners.

Add in his impressive charisma, his wit, his general humility, and his ability to appeal to every age group of fans, also outside of the club, also the younger ones, then you have to conclude that he’s pretty much a unique, irreplaceable character.

Edit: oh and I forgot one very important aspect; he wants his lads to play attacking football. It has been difficult this year, but there is no doubt that his ideas about football are the right ones, those most likely to produce these special moments we all love about football.

God… how I long for a full Anfield again, and that communion between the supporters, the team and Kloppo. Can’t wait for it anymore… :weary: