Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

not that im advocating anything anytime soon, but if the stars align as they should in the universe, Gerrard one day manages our club and finally wins the top english league…

even Klopp would stand back and nod sagely…

as perfect a fit as Klopp is, thats a step up in romance right there

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Excellent press conference today.

I don’t like when managers/football coaches (they’re more and more “just” coaches) get asked tons of questions that really don’t have anything to do with them.

But Klopp more often than not shows the qualities of his character.

It’s not something I’d expect/demand from every coach, but if someone is natural like that and isn’t afraid to show it, that’s bonus points. He’s not the only one, but he’s one of the few at that top level.

He has that ability to explain things with good balance, not afraid of telling a few truths, a different angle, but then also diminish the drama and focus on going back to work all together.


Jurgen always speaks so eloquently on difficult topics, which may not concern him directly and it is not afraid to speak his mind, but with a valid reason. He has managed to diffuse the tension between the owners and the fanbase in the last few days.
I think he saved FSG the owners from getting a huge backlash from our fanbase and has sort of managed to calm down our fans abit.
God bless him!


He wouldn’t find another one like us either. At least not in the top-tier. Maybe Liverpool will be his swansong, hope it ends in good note.


Yes every time he speaks he enhances his reputation with the fans and players alike we are very lucky indeed to have him. Here was a press conference to discuss the coming match against Newcastle to face a multitude and nauseating of questions about the defunct ESL. He wearily and patiently answered them all but his love for the game is undiminished after an annus horribilis of a year.


I am already willing to forgive and forget. It was a mistake, it was corrected.

Love this from The Boss:


Ever since the ESL fracas started I kept thinking about this.

None is perfect, everyone makes mistakes.


Did I believe that apology, not for a moment, it was just damaged control but I just weight the pro’s to the con’s and moved on, we could do a lot worse with our owners.


Fuck-off who ever you are Joe Football :rage:


Bobby, Mane and Gini so out of form and ran into the ground…

Finally gets Fabinho into midfield and we start to turn around the season… sticks him back in defence we crumble…

Persists with a high line and no pressure on the passers from deep.

Consistently slow with subs as we loses control and then watches them change the game for the worse.

A season to forget for Jurgen but he’s had a very poor year.


His comments on the US feed after the game today were really interesting. It’s the closest I’ve seen him come to outright criticism of his players. In isolation it didnt come off like a roasting, but given Klopp’s tendency to back his players 100% regardless if was interesting to see. There was a moment where you could see him trying to figure out how to answer the question about the subs and saw him think “fuck it” and then said what he was actually thinking.

I think he genuinely feels a little bit lost right now in that no one is helping out by actually doing their fucking jobs when selected.


Yeah I said the same in the post game thread, seemed a line was crossed for a few players.

The last 10minutes was inexcusable, we just lost our heads, and you can see it coming a mile off.

Think not just the players selected, but he has lost complete confidence in anyone from the bench to come and do at least part of the job. He doesn’t give up on the players easily, but it looks there are few he certainly might feel are a lost cause now. Let’s see, you never know with Klopp.


I think that’s my point though. It’s easy to make good subs when everyone is playing well. When every decision you make still results in several players out there playing under par you feel really limited in your ability to meaningfully change it with the subs. There are really only 4 players this season who have done their reputation any good, and thats Gomez, Virgil, Matip and Hendo, the ones who haven’t participated in this freefall because of their injuries.

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Yep hugely disappointed in a few, Robbo, Gini, Salah, Alisson, Mane, Bobby and Fabinho all have enough experience to not let us freefall into a bag of nerves… yet time and time again they don’t step up, don’t calm it down, take the sting out etc.

Omg! That is 7 out of 11 of the team, not performing well @Draexnael

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Which is why we are in near relegation form since Christmas. We were top after 16 games. In the 16 games since we have taken only 20 points, form that extrapolates to just 47 points for a full season.


I think managers have to work even during off-season; players’ transfers, preseason scheduling, etc. I wish Klopp could have at least a month’s break, from everything, and just chill. That bugger needs that. Just as the players, OK, scratch that, more than the players, he needs recharging.