Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

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Perhaps some things get lost in translation but how can they fall under the exception rule and still not traveling to Madrid?


It’s still dumb.

They shouldn’t be going I’m sorry, this is not essential travel in my view. It’s a consequence of their own making, trying to hold that awful excuse for a Copa America this summer.


Fabinho and Alisson will miss Watford regardless I think that’s obvious, Tsimikas will hopefully not have to play and would probably be on the bench, the Mane one is the one that’s troubling.

I assume the league didn’t think about players travelling hence. Though I couldn’t see why the two can’t travel to Spain in the way most would transit through the UK, but then there isolation rules are probably different also.

I actually don’t see the issue with daily testing and the lads being able to isolate at home. Any player that breaks isolation is then banned by the FA for say 2 games.


The more this sort of nonsense goes on, the more I feel a reckoning is brewing.

A World Cup every two years might not be the solution, but I am interested to hear what Wenger thinks should happen to give some flow to the domestic season. The stop-start sort of set up we now have is becoming untenable.


Yeah I have to say the rest of the proposals sound like something I’d be interested in being considered. I do wonder if the WC every two years is the bone to get enough nations on board.

The international break was an annoyance but this one and the last has become more than that. It’s ridiculous currently.

Not sure how the Argentinian situation won’t be replicated again.

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Jurgen Klopp says 99% of Liverpool players are vaccinated


This week it was revealed the Premier League is considering whether to “reward” clubs whose coronavirus vaccination rates are high.

In an email to top-flight clubs last week, the Premier League said: “Only seven clubs’ squads are more than 50% fully vaccinated, so we have a way to go.”

On Friday, it was announced that Premier League players will be allowed to travel to red-list nations to represent their countries in this month’s World Cup qualifiers - but only if they are fully vaccinated.

serious question here…do we have 100 players?

i assume not, until you start heading into the youth ranks…

1% of anything less than 100 is less than one obviously…so…

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Yeah I wondered that to Redbj. Perhaps a less precise answer would have been better - say if he’d said ‘almost all of Kirkby’. I presume when you add in players, coaches, staff etc that we are talking a couple of hundred people. Not sure why the entire playing staff wouldn’t be vaccinated to be honest.

My bet is Milner being the one not vaccinated

No needle would be strong enough to pierce his skin


Fucking scandalous that there are 13 PL with less than a 50% uptake of the vaccine especially considering all the “perks” footballers were allowed during the pandemic.

Being able to work, be around others and travel.

I can honestly say that everybody I know (in my social circle) is vaccinated.

Why the fuck aren’t these players doing it? Shocking


It really should be mandatory, and fuck the civil liberties issues… take the jab or your £100k per week is suspended with you.


we are going through this in Victoria Australia at the moment.

all essential workers (definition is someone who has to physically travel to work) must be jabbed by such and such a date.

whilst i understand the logic, its a very slippery slope we are tredding on. its a bit distasteful on some levels.

for the record i am Vaxxed.

i do wonder how the footballers themselves feel about going up against un vaccinated persons…

I get the slippery slope bit to be honest.
But if I want to stay working in healthcare I have to make a choice.

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I don’t get this ‘slippery slope’ argument. Isn’t allowing the virus to access a significant number of unvaccinated people and mutate into a vaccine resistant strain also a slippery slope?

Shouldn’t we be choosing the least slippery of the slopes open to us?

As I said in the ‘rona thread, time to aggressively close sections of society for people who aren’t vaxed. Leisure and entertainment certainly.

As for pro footballers, You can hear the exasperation in Klopp’s voice. It’s mental.


I agree, but there are cogent arguments against mandatory vaccination or health interactions.
I don’t agree with those arguments, but I realise they exist.

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So could it be that Mané is that 1%, after all he is a muslim and some of them, don’t get vaccinate because of their religion.

Salah and Keita are both muslim as well, so not sure that would be the reason