Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

Well, the percentage per 100 people in The Netherlands that are not vaccinated is higher among strict regions like protestants and muslims compared to looser ones like catholics.

Again it is all speculation from me off course.

My honest opinion is that I think it is possibly Elliott or Jones, purely due to them being the 2 youngest members and those under 20 have only rcently become eligible for the vaccine in the UK. Also factor in Elliotts injury and needing surgery then it would make sense if he has missed his appointment

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I’d say they would both follow suit, especially seeing Hendo/Klopp doing it.

I reckon informally the club told everyone get vaccinated and the entire 1st team is. Imagine being the one knob who got infected, caused an outbreak and caused us to lose the league… You’d be sold.

I don’t think it’s because they refuse too, but more due to their age and not being eligible to get the vaccine until fairly recently so merely a case of not having had their appointment yet- if it is one of them

1% from the players or the whole group of players + staff etc?

Anyway, 99% is great and whoever the 1% are they might have their reasons (might be medical reasons) - but shouldn’t be our business.

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agree in the main.

but would be good if they had a better run at convincing people with a clear and concise message before threatening them with potential financial ruin.

i am part of the construction industry who is the target of such a ruling.

the point of making mandatory, vaccinations for the construction industry, before enforcing health care workers and aged care workers and teachers alike isnt because its ‘based on the science’ , its simply because the industry is full of younger males who are vaccine hesitant. not anti vaxxers as such (although i realise that is a componant) but vaccine hesitant.

anyway…im straying from my point here…i dont agree with those that choose not to vaccinate…i actually think people should be vaccinated, and if given the chance for long enough, maybe forced…

i suppose the other thing is that, playing devils advocate here…they mandate something like this, which we are mostly onboard with…whats the next thing they mandate, then the next thing and so on…

would you at all be suprised if that at some point in the future that people are being mandated to do something just so the pollies can line thier own pockets through the back door…

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I think it’s hard to know at this point what we could actually do, in the UK at least, to carry that message.

The biggest problem is probably not the messaging around the vaccine, it’s the way successive Governments have sacrificed trust in authority for short term electoral gain, to the point where it’s almost counter-productive for a politician to recommend the public anything.

Then you have people using social media as a primary news source and we’re in all kinds of trouble.


Are we all going to guess who isn’t vaccinated? That’s a good game to play. :roll_eyes:

I reckon it’s Salah. Will have had Degsy in his earhole recommending an infusion of echinacea and squirrel piss he’s got off David Icke’s channel.

In seriousness, it’s probably Klopp just being a bit cautious in his language.


agree 1000% with that.

been saying for a while now…the biggest issue is that politicians have proved time and time again, they are not worthy of being trusted…and now…when its critical for the population to trust them…its just not there…and thats squarely on them and thier forebearers…

i mean, i get politicians will slush a bit around to thier mates…i accept that…always been the way AFAIK…but what has been getting worse and worse is the blurry ‘moral line’ they would not step over…thats gone now…anythings fair play to them

for Example…as shit as Ozs climate policy has been for the last few decades, i can at least SEE what previous governments were trying to do and their reasons for doing it (didnt agree with it, but could see it)…now i just look at it and its just pure gaming the system…

to be honest, what really got me vaxxed was the scare factor AND to a lesser extent, i trust scientists, not because politicians worldwide suggest it was a good idea…

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cautious. or generous.

We already require vaccinations to work in a range of fields and to attend public schools.

There is no slippery slope, just well established rules that were previously not even controversial.

As for choice - people can choose to not get vaccinated if they want but that isn’t a consequence free choice. The consequence is you can’t work in healthcare fields or with children etc. It seems a lot of anti-vax people conflate freedom of choice with freedom from consequence.


Thing is, at least here in Ireland there is no mandatory vaccination of Health Care workers. So the ethical compass is with the individual.


And including us having an absolute nightmare of a season with injuries and no fans.

That’s no excuse; City have had ten seasons with no fans.


With the 1% it’s likely one or two of the younger lads or Klopp trying be less arbitrary, if he said one person then the media would hunt or if it turned out someone hadn’t again Klopp would be called out.

I assume if it’s not that it’s probably the team and there will be someone who can’t have it.

I think for the club to set such an example and for Klopp to come out with such words is positive. I find a rate of less than 50% at 13 clubs quite a concern.

Considering the rate is somewhere in the 70s or 80s throughout the country.

OK. I have the removed the stuff about Covid and the subsequent replies. Covid stuff, including Klopp’s comments can go in the covid thread, with the caveat that we will not tolerate unverified anti-vax stuff anywhere on the forum. Let’s keep this to the footy


Total BS their leaders are encouraging them to get vaccinated but is purely an parental control thing
In any of the other religions as well. Social media is the biggest culprit for spreading misinformation like that.

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A miracle really, given where we were before the the money spent relative to the others


On this who’s vaxxed and not - I don’t think it’s something we should be overly concerned about within the club when we hear 99% are vaxxed - bit of a witch hunt isn’t it? As if we’re looking for a reason to hate on a player.

Maybe a/the player hasn’t had the vax because they have an underlying health condition/allergy to something meaning they can’t have it. Lets all just calm down about it eh!

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